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    Hi Folks,

    I found this SX list of Babs. so I thought I would post it.


    As with other co-infections, there is a lot of overlap of symptoms between Lyme disease and Babesiosis. An accumulation of the following signs and symptoms probably warrant testing and/or treatment of Babesiosis:


    ___Fatigue and often excessive sleepiness

    ___High fever at onset of illness

    ___Night sweats that are often drenching and profuse

    ___Severe muscle pains, especially the large muscles of the legs (quads, buttocks, etc.)

    ___Neurological symptoms often described as “dizzy, tipsy, and spaciness,” similar to a sensation of “floating” or “walking off the top of a mountain onto a cloud”


    ___Episodes of breathlessness, “air hunger”, and/or cough

    ___Decreased appetite and/or nausea

    ___Spleen and/or liver enlargement

    ___Abnormal labs (low white blood count, low platelet counts, mild elevation of liver enzymes, and elevated sed rate)

    ___Headaches (migraine-like, persistent, and especially involving the back of the head and upper neck areas)

    ___Joint pain (more common with Lyme and Bartonella)

    ___anxiety/panic (more common with Bartonella)

    ___Lymph gland swelling (more common with Bartonella and Lyme)


    Hi Roz,

    Thanks for posting this symptoms list; but it doesn't fit me at all.
    Maybe I should ask my LLMD for her list of Babesia symptoms because she targeted it right down to the strain of Babesia.

    Is there anything else that causes ribcage pain and air-starvation? Real question. My Babesia WA1 numbers have dropped pretty dramatically, but my rib pain is nasty right now. That's on my list of questions for my next appointment.


    It's so good you posted! I was gone most of the weekend, but read your note in time to realize I had a LOT of studying of protocol to do and immediately engage to prepare for the liver cleanse. Wow. It took my husband and myself well over an hour to read through the procedure and make sure I knew when to drink, eat, supplement and dose with what!!! (wide-eyed emoticon!!!) She did sandwich the flush day in the middle of an extra prescription parasite medicine. For several months now, I've been on an herbal daily called Paracidin. A once a week herbal called Parastat totally kicks my you know what. I'm afraid to take it. But she wants me to try again after the liver flush.

    Her opinion is that these particular parasites in my pea soup live in the ductwork of my liver. So she wants to flush them out and kill them with meds. If I recall correctly in the massive wash of information she gives, she said that she's found she MUST clear the parasites first or she can't get the lyme. Her big plan is to heal the gut first so the immune system attacks the lyme.

    Kim – they won't wiggle will they? 😯 (Don't tell me.)




    I just noticed your comment about kidneys and no liver flushes because of Epsom salt. There may be an option people can check with their docs about! My DH gets to do the “kids” version which is essentially the same thing MINUS the salt.



    [user=50]Michele[/user] wrote:


    I just noticed your comment about kidneys and no liver flushes because of Epsom salt. There may be an option people can check with their docs about! My DH gets to do the “kids” version which is essentially the same thing MINUS the salt.


    Let us know if he gets the same results with this modified (weanie) version.  BTW, I bet he's thumming his nose at you! :roll-laugh:

    Good luck…….kim


    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Let us know if he gets the same results with this modified (weanie) version.  BTW, I bet he's thumming his nose at you! :roll-laugh:

    :roll-laugh: Kim, you're funny, girl! Yes, I'd be interested to know how DH gets on with the “weanie” version of the flush, too, Michele. One of the important aspects of the flush is getting those dumped liver/GB toxins out as quickly as possible….hence the colon cleansing in advance. Of course, you could get your revenge by sending him for a colonic before his junior flush!!!!! I was going to suggest looking into Oxy-Powder as an alternative, but he (or you!) might enjoy the colonic better? 😉

    Peace, Maz


    Maz and Kim,

    You naughty girls!!! 😉

    It sure isn't fair that DH gets the weanie version. I'm scared to ask the difference between a coffee enema and a colonic. So never mind. 😛

    After three of the colon cleanses, my pain and fatigue has dropped considerably!!! Hurray!!! AF tried to convince me of that a couple years ago. Shouldna waited so long!!! :roll-laugh: I do feel more confident having a doctor specify it to my needs.

    What we do to feel better. What a weird, unpredictable journey.


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