Home Forums General Discussion Unusual Fungal Infection Leads

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  • #305166
    Marianne Welch

    Hi Everyone!

    So my search goes on to resolve strange symptoms that I have been having.

    Since my symptoms are very fungal like, I have decided that I want to be tested for unusual strains other than the common candida albican.

    There are many fungemia infections that are highly resistent to flucanazole. Flucanazole did not work for me, which makes me suspicious of harboring other strains in my body.

    Can anyone advise me as to which specialty labs are most reliable in fungal detection of all specimens from biopsies, mucosal and blood samples?

    A couple examples of the of resistant fungal species to the azoles (flucanazole, etc) are Candida Glabata and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. I have read several things on the latter S.C. strain.

    Saccharomyces Cerevisia is said to telemorph from candida ROBUSTA. According to the FUNGAL DOCTOR Saccharomyces Boullardi is considered a synonym for a particular strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Many probiotics have s. boulardii in them and have helped people with antiobiotic related diahrea. But many people, especially the immunocompromised ones, have ended up with fungemia infections from its use. Makes one wonder about using the strain in probiotics. I myself have taken this strain as well as an altered S.C. strain in the past. S. cerevisiae is very hard to get rid of. Standard azoles like flucanozole don’t work well for these type of infections.

    I am still learning about other fungal strains out of the ordinary. Does anyone have any leads to systemic fungal infections that are not CANDIDA ALBICAN and the best way to approach testing for them?



    Can you tell us a bit more detail about your symptoms?

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