Home Forums General Discussion Trying to find a good functional medicine doctor in NYC

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    Hi all,
    We have a rheumi but realize we need a good functional medicine doctor or a good clinitian. Our rheumi is really ok but is semi retired and hard to get hold of. Blood tests need someone with knowledge to interprete. Also we would like to get testing for yeasts, parasites etc. and want a dr that can make decisions based on the tests. Of course we are all looking for that “hidden gem” but they are hard to find ?. So if anyone has had experience in the NYC area, I would appreciate any info you may have. Thank you!
    To better health for all!


    I never went to him, but I found a Rheumy in NYC that is Harvard educated and will practice AP. If interested, PM me.


    Hi Grace,

    There is an experienced LLMD in NYC that I think might meet your requirements. He is an integrative Doctor. If you send an email to Llmdlists@roadback.org and mark it for my attention, I’d be happy to send you the full listing for NYC, bearing in mind that alternative docs tend to be private pay.


    Did you receive my PM? I might have messed up sending.


    I never went to him, but I found a Rheumy in NYC that is Harvard educated and will practice AP. If interested, PM me.

    MLTelfer, if you don’t mind me asking, is the rheumy you see in NYC Dr. W. at Hosp for Special Surgery or someone else? Just wondering if it’s the same doc we have listed. Thanks! Feel free to PM me, if you prefer.


    We are going to the dr you are talking about! We like him but he is semiretired and not accessible much of the time. But he is really willing to try different therapies. And looking at all the testing and investigating that this disease needs, we would like to compliment his knowledge with someone that knows which tests to run when we get abnormal lab results. There are 15 rheumis in that building. I will ask next time if any of the others do AP. We are glad he is still there for us and hope he does not retire too soon!


    Grace, didn’t know this doc had gone into semi-retirement – or did you mean Dr. W? Dr. B. has helped a lot of rheumatics here….well, if it is Dr. B. and need a new integrative doc who does all the testing and you can travel into CT, I’ll pass you my doc’s name. Just let me know. Glad you like the one you are seeing, though, for now, and hope there is a rheumy he can work with in your locale. Thanks so much for your update and wishing you the very best!


    Yes. Dr. W. Not sure how I found him, but there was a period where I thought Dr. F was no longer going to accept my insurance – hence my search. I called his office and they told me he would work with me on AP. Then it turned out that Dr. F would take my insurance so I never needed Dr. W.


    Thanks MLTelfer. As Dr. W. is semi-retired, was just hoping the rheumy you mentioned might be someone different we could add. Dr. W. has been on the RBF’s referral list for many years and knew Dr. Brown. He’s always had very good patient reviews, so it will be a shame to lose him when he goes into full retirement.

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