Home Forums General Discussion took first dose of zith yesterday

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    Hi all,
    I posted a few weeks ago about how sensitive I had been over the past 3 months or so. So, I finally made the connection that it was a combination of herxing, die-off, toxins, switching antibiotics and moving too fast. I had already been working on detoxing for a month or so and then I took several days off from abx and it all calmed down. When I finally put on the brakes I recovered very quickly and even got over the hump with taking the mino 100mg MWF last week with very little herx. I saw my doc Monday and we discussed adding Zithromycin to the mix. He was very receptive so I got the script and off to the drugstore I ran. Of course, being a lot curious and OCD – I couldn’t wait to take the first dose to see how I would react. Tuesday morning at 8 a.m., feeling good and with little pain in my body, I took my first dose. Well…2 hours later (like the mino had previously done me) BOOM! Pain was off the chart! I was forced to take some hydrocortisone (10mg) and later prednisone (2.5mg) It seriously was like eating an altoid. I used aspirin and tiger balm to get me through the day. About 6 p.m. the pain started to come down a notch or two. Today the pain was much better for the first hour I was awake and then started to reappear. I took 2.5 of prednisone this time and I feel fine. I also don’t have the other flu-like sx today that were associated with yesterdays slam. I have even taken my 100mg of mino today too.

    I will wait 7-10 days before taking another dose – but I do feel like I am making progress. I was actually glad that the herx occured even though it felt like a date with the devil! 😈

    For me, this justifies some of the discussion on the board recently about a combination approach with the abx. I can see how it might be possible that one abx can’t do all the work – especially if there are multiple pathogens involved. This may also make the case for why some folks have returning sx after awhile – like I did. The first treatment with abx boosts our immune system and makes us very happy for awhile until the other pathogen butts in and starts a whole new bout of fighting. Well, Game On!



    Hi Kali,

    Looks like you are starting to wrap your head around the whole AP concept. It’s a hard enough to have an autoimmune condition but then to have to sort out what is herxing and what is worsening can be very distressing especially in the beginning. Look into detox methods as much as possible. FIR sauna, lemon/olive oil drink, lots of water, epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide baths, etc. Good luck with the Zith!


    Thanks Parisa, and yes, I will continue to detox as much as possible throughout this process. I know that has to be a top priority when so many toxins are floating around our bodies.


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