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    Hi there,

    I’ve got odd forms of tinnitus that have resolved itself. I attributed it to inflammation of the Eustachian tube. The tinnitus for me was very strange, it was a constant low rumbling sound.. there was even one day when I was walking around and could even hear harmonic sounds from everything (kinda like you could hear someone talking in 2 pitches at once)..

    The drugs you’re taking could cause tinnitus for sure, but have you checked to see if you have pressure in your sinus? It sounds to me like the abx is working. But if your sinus has pressure, you could just have a cold. 🙂


    Yes, I have had tinnitus. I think I have it often, though most of the time it is at such a low level that I don’t notice it unless I am in a totally quiet room. It becomes a lot more noticeable when I have been taking aspirin or ibuprofen. It’s usually a lot louder in my left ear. Recently I noticed tinnitus in my right ear, which is unusual. Since I just added mino to my regimen, that was the first thing I suspected. Fortunately, the following day it was gone and it hasn’t come back.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Hi Ruffian,
    I’ve had ringing in my ears prior to AP and for many months while on AP.
    Abx lowered the pitch to sometimes barely noticeable. Good detox always reduced it (and reduced all the other symptoms). Glutathione IV push, ALA, NAC, CoQ10, Gingko were helping, glutathione being the very best. After glutathione IV pushes, all neuropathy and ringing in the ears were completely gone for a couple of months. For me, eating any starch always brings it back. With some dietary mistakes, the reaction is immediate and there may be tinnitus + crazy itching within the ear, too.

    If you use the search window under General Discussion, many threads will come up.

    Warm wishes, Krys


    Hi Ruffian,

    I keep seeing everyone saying no starch is best. But everything I like is starch. Do you mean cereals, cookies, toast (with gluten free bread), rice? Do you just eat fruits and vegetables?

    I wouldn’t say it is the best. And I do not know of a single person that stopped eating starches because they got turned off the taste! Maybe they are OK for you. If you can digest starch properly and it does not cause flares, enjoy!

    Greatly oversimplified: the problems arise when the food is not digested properly. Then it ferments, feeds bad bacteria, seeps through the gut lining and may start causing auto-immune reactions.

    Most of us tend to think in the beginning that diet does not really apply to us….
    I had been under the care of Asian docs for 10 years prior to getting Lyme and they always, during every visit, said I had digestion problems and I always replied that I had not! Now I tend to think that anybody with “just” constipation issues is “an accident ready to happen”, as constipation itself, no matter what the cause, will disturb microbial balance, and as microflora lives and affects everything from mouth to anus, whole digestive process will be affected, will lead to absorption of toxins, will damage the mucous membranes and affect the villis and affect digestion and absorption…and eventually will affect the whole body, including the nervous system, organs, connective tissue. It may be very slight or severe, depending on the infectious load we carry.
    Even though the article below is mainly about autism, it makes it very clear that gut issues apply to many (maybe all) of us:

    It gets further complicated by what type of rheumatoid disease one has, or rather what genetic hyplotypes one has (HLA DR4 in RA or HLA B27 in spondylarthritides). It may trip off molecular mimicry (certain surface proteins on bugs get confused with our own body proteins) and lead to an autoimmune attack .
    If you read John’s (Dragon Slayer) posts and check his web-site http://www.kickas.org you will understand why people with AS (and its cousins PsA, MCTD, etc) have to go starch free. It’s to keep Klebsiella bacteria down, stop molecular mimicry and minimize the flares.
    I haven’t done any of those tests but I wouldn’t be able to function if I ate starches. I have confirmation every time I cheat! 😳

    Ringing in the ears can also be caused by thyroid problems, low body temperature, changes in inner ear, toxin overload (are you doing any detox?) and more….Do you get headaches? Uveitis?
    I don’t know if it applies to you, but I tend to associate itching with allergic reaction. My inner ear itches only in reaction to wrong foods. I do have changes in the lining within that ear, but I think it happened due to autoimmunne reaction to food.

    Write down everything you eat, it will be easier to see if it is a reaction to food.
    I don’t know if this type of test would work for you: eating big amounts of suspected food few times a day for a few days should exacerbate the reaction, if your body does have any problem with this food. It is not a reliable test. The advised test is to avoid suspected food group (and other possible allergens) for 6 weeks and then slowly reintroduce them one by one. I never managed more than 10 days, but the reactions got very clear.

    The allergic reactions to foods (that the body has problems digesting / utilizing) are: feeling sleepy after eating, itching, sudden twitches (my eyeball may start twitching after starch), sudden uveitis or dry, “scratchy” eye, runny nose (even just one time during/after eating), sudden congestion, short single coughs, muscle tension, pain anywhere, headache, sudden onset of brain fog, stiffness, joint swelling, changed heart beat……probably some more, too. Those are the ones I’ve noticed in myself.
    Warm wishes, Krys

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