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    I’ve been doing minocycline for 3 weeks now. I take 100mg in am daily. I’ve started, over the past week, noticing a tingling,prickling feeling in my arms, and it feels like my left elbow wants to start hurting in th evenings. It seems like these feelings resolve quiet a bit after I take my mino in the am. Maybe it’s a placebo effect, but did anyone else experience this when starting? I’m not sure if it’s a herx, or if the RA is just getting ready to attack new joints. Now, I haven’t had joint swelling, just joint pain in my hands and feet prior to starting AP.


    Hi Nikkoal,

    Any chance you could add a signature line with your meds/supps,diagnosis, comorbidities (e.g. Thyroid), etc? Instructions how to do this are found at the top of the forum and it can help to generate responses if others see something similar in their own experience.

    Tingling and pricking sensations can be due to lots of things….e.g. Vitamin or mineral deficiencies, thyroid, nerve impingement, shingles, etc. It could be part if a herx, but always worth ensuring nothing else could be causing a symptom.


    Hi Nikkoal,

    I’ve experienced sensations similar to what you described. I believe that they are a kind of die-off reaction, and that they will diminish in intensity over time and eventually disappear. That was my experience. However, those sensations can return (temporarily) when one attempts to increase the dose of antibiotic.


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