Home Forums General Discussion Study of Bacteria Found in ReA, UA, RA and OA joints

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    The following 2008 study out of Tunisia, looking for bacterial DNA using a broad-range PCR technique, is pretty revealing. If anyone has wondered if various bacteria have been cultured from the joints of those afflicted with reactive arthritis, undifferentiated arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or OA, this study will provide a good answer. It may also reveal why some people do well on one type of antibiotic or another for their AP and why various combinations may be necessary in some cases.


    What was interesting about the study is that the researchers did not find the expected chlamydia trachomatis in the joints of anyone with reactive arthritis, even if their arthritis was preceded by this urogenital infection. It seems to suggest, the authors say, that other pre-existent bacteria within the body become opportunistic during such an overwhelming acute infection. This is similar to what LLMDs have been saying and are now calling “mixed systemic infectious diseases syndrome.” When immunity is compromised by an overwhelming infection, a shock, such as, surgery or an accident, or other stressor, bugs that are holed up and living quite synergistically within the host are reactivated and released from biofilm to enjoy the lack of immune surveillance. Inflamed joints with increased blood supply enable infections to penetrate joints to wallow and soak in the perfect inflammatory environment.


    This is great information that can be used to argue the case for antibiotic treatment when antibiotic treatment is being refused. Thanks for sharing.


    Jan Lucinda1

    I saw the authors are from Tunisia and France. I assume it was government financed. I will mention it to my rheumatologist this week.

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