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    “… all you can do is live with the spirochete. The spirochete lives permanently as a symbiont in the patient. The infection cannot be killed because it becomes part of the patient’s genome and protein synthesis biochemistry.” Lynn Margulis, biologist and evolutionist, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Discover Magazine April 2011 page 71.

    There’s much more, both interesting and scary, arguing that spirochetes are a part of our evolution, that they evolved with us, are us or we are them or whatever. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all of it. The article can be found at http://issuu.com/kiosciencek/docs/discover-magazine-2011-04/search?q=Margulis


    BG, thanks for sharing this very interesting article….before I tuck into it, can you share what page you found the above quote on? Thanks!



    The article begins on page 66 and ends on page 71. The quote is from page 71, 1st paragraph, if I remember correctly.

    It would be best to read the entire article which addresses more than one kind of spirochete, e.g. treponema and borrelia.




    That was a very interesting article. Thanks for posting it. Strange thought that bacteria might be your ancestor? We obviously have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria/viruses. It has always made me feel kinda strange that other living things live inside of me. There are some doctors that believe borrelia cannot be totally eradicated from our bodies. I would be satisfied with a more comfortable existence together.

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Barb,Eann;
    You might like to read this and then be totally confused. hehehe

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