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    You're not alone, this is a common complaint from those with inflammatory diseases. I sleep without sheets most nights. I wish I had some advice to offer on how to deal with it, but other than getting the inflammation down,  I don't. Hope it goes away soon.

    Eva Holloway


    are you sure you don't have Dermatomyositis? it's another autoimmune problem. My hands are always very tender, sometimes they burn and other times they just hurt. I have DM. When I was very ill my hands felt like they where on fire and I used ice bags to cool them. My rheumy thought I was crazy, but that was the only thing that helped.

    Now my hands still get to hurting but it goes in cycles. Some days no problem and then I wake up and I have several spots just burning. I sleep with my hands on top of the blanket because everything is to heavy. Sometimes I wake up and my hands are cold so I put them under the sheet just for a little while.

    hope you find an answer.


    Eva Holloway


    My husband has very sensitive fingertips.  It was one of the first symptoms  when he first became sick.  He wears gloves all the time to protect his fingers so he doesn't bump into things and also to protect them from the cold which makes things worse.  The sensitivity has improved with treatment but has not gone completely away yet.

    Eva Holloway


    I found these great gloves. They are from FOXGLOVES. Just type in that name and enter the gloves have a UF 50+, they are longer than regular cloves and come in different colors. I have three pairs now: blue, brown and moss green. They are actually garden gloves, but they really feel great and don't get so easydirty like the white gloves. A little on the pricy side but to me it is worth it.

    I know what he feels, because some days I feel like I have a problem with the skin even under my fngernails right at the quick, other days little spots burning and then they are fine again.

    I am still at an early stage of treatment, so I hope I will get better by the end of this  year.:D


    Eva Holloway



    Thanks for the suggestion.  At this point, my husband is using Isotoner therapeutic gloves that were suggested by his occupational therapist.  They are a nice tan color.  I'm not sure that he want to branch out into colors!  He originally used silk underliner gloves and they felt very nice but these Isotoner gloves have a subtle compression action that seems to help with the swelling also.  His fingers have improved quite  a bit and he actually goes gloveless on occasion now.


    Thanks for the replies, I checked out dermatyosis (sp?) but those symptoms don't seem to be it. Last year my middle finger would burn/tingle but that has ceased and it is only the pain….I can't describe it. I still appreciate all of your thoughts, ah the mystery of it all!



    My skin has hurt at times since I was a child. Areas of my skin become exquisitely sensitive without any redness or swelling. It seems to be called hyperaesthesia (sp?). And naturally, no one knows what causes it. It often starts in my ankles, works it's way up my legs and then crawls inside to cause some VERY odd sensations in my genito-urinary area. Then, my lower back.
    One of the weirdest things is that it responds to emotion very strongly – if I am having hyperaesthesia and hear of someone being injured, for example, all the patches of affected skin will throb. It's a little eerie.

    Eva Holloway

    Parisa, and every one else

    I have been using Listerin mouthwash to soak my hands about every third day. It foams up and sometimes it really burns but then I rinse the hands and put lotion on it and they feel so much better. I figure that the stuff in Listerine that kills the germs in your mouth also could kill something that is in the skin. I peel some and the hard skin flakes off after a few days. I did it this morning again and thought about everyone talking about hands and fingers feeling sore etc. so I wanted to post this before the brain fog sets in:roll-laugh:.


    Eva Holloway

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