Home Forums General Discussion Six months on AP Minocin – still headaches and this smell…

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    I’ve now been on AP (100 mg/Minocin supposed to be daily but more like 3-4x/week) for over six months. I’m 90-95% RA symptom free, and after five years on Enbrel have been off it since March. I’m so grateful to be off Enbrel, as it worried me long term even though it really worked. My only complaints at this point on AP are a migraine once or twice a month (were very bad in beginning), acid reflux is worse, some level of sedation, and that my body has this odor that seems to be whatever I eat. I can manage the first two with rest and Minocin timing. However, I really can’t take Minocin the day before a work or school day where I need to be 100% sharp. I just can’t focus. Does anyone else have this issue? Is that still a die off effect? Lastly, and worst, is that my body now smells for the first time really ever. It may be unrelated, or hormonal. I’m perimenopausal, but don’t think most women smell on their way to menopause? I’ll smell like whatever I ate or consumed. So, that means I had better eat benign things, but even benign food smells seem weird coming off my body. Additionally, I take VSL#3, the prescription probiotic. When I take this now, I have a distinct smell of cultured sour cream or yogurt, even though I don’t eat any dairy and there’s no dairy in the probiotic. If I stay off it a week or so, that odor goes away. However, the odors from food I’m consuming don’t. Plus, I need to be on a probiotic while on AP, IMO. Any other people have this issue? Is it more likely to be leaky gut? My body weight has gone from about 135 to 175 in the past two years, as I’ve been unable to regulate my diet. I am supposed to be paleo, and never have dairy, but have been eating grains at times, sugar, and generally too much. Thanks again for your help.

    Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, 2002, synthetic T3 and T4 (previously Nature-throid and Armour) since diagnosis.
    Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2010, Enbrel 5/2011- 3/2016. Transition to Minocin as of 2/2016.
    Single mom, full-time employed Financial Analyst, part-time grad student.
    Σ = Tired.

    Supplements: Multi, C, Ferronyl, Krill, B6, VSL3 Probiotic, DHEA microtroche, D3/K2.
    Diet: Paleo, organic, grassfed. Dairy allergy, avoid soy and grains (esp. wheat)
    Weight: Increase of 25% over the past two years


    I have not heard of smelling like whatever you have eaten before. Have you asked a trusted friend if they can smell it? The reason I ask is that I’m wondering if it is actually how you smell, or if it is just your nose? I do know that some people when they eat a lot of garlic, it seems to seep through their pores and they smell like garlic. The same can be true for alcohol. So it may very well be true that that is what you are smelling. I have not had the same thing, though I have noticed that my sweat is stronger and has what I call a sour smell to it. I posted here about it awhile ago, and people said they thought it might be bacteria die off.

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