Home Forums General Discussion Sinus Infection, what to do?

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    I have a sinus infection and my primary care doctor wanted to take me off the minicycline to put me on a stronger antiobiotic for the sinus infection but I said no because I didn’t want to interfear with the protocal but i’m not getting better from the sinus infection. My question is what do you do when you get a cold or infection and have to go to the doctor and they want to presribe more antibiotics for the sickeness? Is it ok?


    Hello. I had continual sinus infections, I believe caused by Humira during December Jan and February. I had only started the AP protocol the previous October so was upset as I had to stop Mino off and on during that time. I was given different antibiotis and also left a five day gap each time before re starting Min. None of the antibiotics worked so eventually I took Doxy, still stopped Mino Hope this helps – Sandra.


    Hi any antibiotic in the macrolide family can be taken right along with minocycline –whenever I get a sinus or throat infection I take a z-pack right along with the minocycline –never a problem —


    @richie wrote:

    Hi any antibiotic in the macrolide family can be taken right along with minocycline –whenever I get a sinus or throat infection I take a z-pack right along with the minocycline –never a problem —

    This. Both my doctors and pharmacist said taking both at the same time was fine.


    Thank you everyone for your feedback!!

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