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    I'm only doing the oral minocycline….what' the difference between injections and oral–more potent?



    Hi Karen,

    I take Minomycin (Australian version) oral as well as I don't think it can be given any other way. The route of giving Meds depends on what will work well for the individual. Each route has it's own set of benefits and problems. IV is certainly the very best way of giving a dose of med, knowing that the dose infused is the dose given. For me the IM injection works well for Clindy and because of my occupation it was no problem to introduce into my routine. Oral is sometimes a bit hard on the digestive tract, but is easy to administer.

    What ever works for you I hope give's those micoplasmic bugs the flick. Pretty awesome that your feeling better. Isn't it great that some of your skin is softening. How long have you been on AP?

    My hands aren't to bad as we got onto AP in the early stage of disease last year. Even so they are stiff with the left hand a bit curled. I would like them to improve as I get a bit frustrated with the lack of dexterity and strength. It seems as though hands are a little more stubborn to heal than other symptoms.

    Cheers Wayne

    Systemic Sclerosis....rapid onset 2010.
    Started AP January 2011.
    Multiple meds during treatment, including IV Clindamycin every 2 months for 5 days.
    Now.....disease in remission....meds: Mimomycin, Clindamycin IM 3 monthly,
    5 days Azithromycin 6 monthly.
    Very well now....enjoying life.


    Not sure if the AP is doing much yet (6 weeks into it) but skin is softening ad had started  AP…so my fingers are crossed this therapy will keep moving things along.  Do you take any probiotics?  How long have you been on AP?


    Hi Kim:

    Your Bud from the Big Easy, New Orleans.

    I have much hope in AP therapy, but I was wondering how do you know for sure that yours and others remission is related to AP versus passage of time and the disease process running its course?


    This seems to be the argument that Rhemutologists make. Pls advise. 




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