Home Forums General Discussion Restarting Myfortic (ie Cellcept/ Mycophenolic Acid)

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    Hi everyone,

    Apologies for a number of threads I have posted recently, don’t want to be hogging the board by any means. Numerous different topics to hopefully handle numerous different issues…

    It’s quite a simple question really – my mother in law is undergoing AP as we speak (100mg Minocin 2x a day, every day; Rifampin 300mg once a day MWF; herbal formulas, these are the core). She is suffering, a lot, at this moment in time. Pain, dizziness, extreme leg cramping, depression, she really is going through hell.

    As discussed in another thread, she has had a load of bloodwork done recently given some anomalies in her results (possible Multiple Myeloma but it has been ruled out). The haematologist commented after all results that her autoimmune disease is ‘very active’ and that she should see her Rheumy (who is a waste of time, and given that she works out of a hospital, it is a no go zone right now).

    I can post all of the results if people feel it would serve judgement better, but to try and keep things simple, I wanted to ask if people felt re-introducing Myfortic (ie CellCept) to her regime might help? She used to take it, but then stopped during her attempts to cut out/cut down on the stuff that we know doesn’t help her conditions at the core (like AP does, for example). She stopped all opioids, cut down her prednisone, and quit the Myfortic. She was doing OK for some time, but given that her disease activity seems to be high at the minute (and she is clearly suffering), we feel that the Myfortic might help her feel better overall, whilst she is going through what we suspect is a strong herxing period.

    I have seen/read that Luck20 has had success combining the Cellcept along with her AP protocol, along with LDN etc. What might other peoples suggestion be? Especially given the COVID-19 scenario, we wouldn’t want her to begin an immunosuppresor if its going to put her at a greatly augmented risk.

    Thank you for any advice that can be given.


    Here for my Mother In Law.

    Scleroderma 30+ years, Lyme/Bartonella (perhaps 30+ years too, diagnosed in October 2019), Hypothyroid, Anemia (of chronic diseases we think?), Neuropathy, Mini-stroke/brain lesions Oct 2019, Candida.

    Current Meds:
    **Minocin 100mg x2 day, every day. **Rifampin 300mg 1x day MWF. **75mcg Levothyroxine. **5mg Prednisone. **Clopidogrel 75mg. **300mg Fluconazole every Sunday. **300mg Gabapentin. **LDN 4.5mg.

    Current Supps:
    Vitamin B-complex, C, D, E. Potassium Glucona


    Steve, would you say this return of symptoms coincides with starting the rifampin? Rifampin is used for TB and bartonella…does your MIL have a history of TB? Tested positive for bartonella?


    Hi Maz,

    Thank you for (both) of your posts, as always – I will be replying to them both now.

    Yes, 100% coincided with beginning Rifampin. As you know, she has been suffering from dizziness a fair bit recently, which we believe after the roundabout of testing that is indeed the Anaemia of Chronic diseases, as you also originally suspected. A long time ago (we’re talking before her stroke last October), she would get cramps. Not as bad as now, but they kind of disappeared (exactly when we’re not 100% sure, so much was happening at the time, its all a bit of a blur!) However, for sure these past few weeks, the cramps have come back extremely strong… along with pain in her feet, and in general down her legs. We’re talking all day, no let-up, and all night. Standing up and walking helps her a bit, but even then its excruciating for her. Lying/sitting down brings them on more.

    They absolutely increased when the Rifampin began. As we were suspicious that the Rifampin may have been the cause, we reduced the dosage as I mentioned somewhere else from 2x every day, to 2x MWF, and then again to just once MWF. In fact the last time she had one was last Monday. Throughout the week just passed, the cramps have gradually subsided, and in fact the Saturday and Sunday just gone were much better for her (with regards to the cramps/pains, at least). Still a little bit of cramping at night, but the daytimes much improved.

    She has also recently began the MC-BAR2 herbal formulas, which we know from the previous bottle she had of MC-BAR1, always gave her grief. After being at a specific dose for a few days, this then calms down, but things reignite when she ups the dosage by a drop.

    Yes, she tested positive for the following Bartonella strains:

    Bartonella elizabethae
    Bartonella quintana
    Bartonella spp(genus)

    And yes she had TB previously. Recent test comes as negative, but would this be expected if it is in its latent form?


    Here for my Mother In Law.

    Scleroderma 30+ years, Lyme/Bartonella (perhaps 30+ years too, diagnosed in October 2019), Hypothyroid, Anemia (of chronic diseases we think?), Neuropathy, Mini-stroke/brain lesions Oct 2019, Candida.

    Current Meds:
    **Minocin 100mg x2 day, every day. **Rifampin 300mg 1x day MWF. **75mcg Levothyroxine. **5mg Prednisone. **Clopidogrel 75mg. **300mg Fluconazole every Sunday. **300mg Gabapentin. **LDN 4.5mg.

    Current Supps:
    Vitamin B-complex, C, D, E. Potassium Glucona

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