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    Hello all,
    it has been a long, long time since I have been here on this site. I had to register again as had forgotten my exact username and pass… πŸ˜€
    Not sure if some of you even remember me.
    I was diagnosed with RA 7 years ago and “fought” to go on Minocycline then.I pretty much dosed myself and avoided all painkillers to see the affect of other things I tried. I went up and down and studied and studied. At one point my RF went to negative and my Anti-CCP dropped and dropped. I had rheumatoid nodules come and go…had RA in every joint. Even had to sleep with wrist braces on the beginning.
    I am the kind, that needs an explanation to everything..LOL I even went so far as to use myself as “guinea pig” in a certain degree to evaluate some things. Natural treatments for instance that are/were used. Went as far back as I could in finding out what was used…cross referenced it with the chemicals that might cause certain effects and how these affect the body in other ways. I learned about the Krebs Cycle, Endocrine System and so on…. 7 years I am on it now and all I had was my notebook/journals which I kept pretty much from day one on, when it hit me almost overnight and what I went through right after onset. My body revolted, it was trying to balance something out…I know that now.
    I know exactly what I did the weeks prior to onset and it was so different from other peoples stories, yet some things may be the same. I looked into their stories and some even believed it was a vaccine they received. Some have a fast, some a slow onset.

    Well,I have a theory now on what might cause it. It would explain all the different levels, the different versions of onset, all the different reactions of people to some treatments. Maybe even the connection to diabetes, that some researchers believe it might have. I studied things in 2 languages ( I am sorry that I don’t speak more as it would have been even more interesting.) to find out validity of the materials I studied. (Believe me, there is a ton of BS out there about the subject…a lot! So one has to be careful what one studies up on.)
    My research brought me into other illnesses as well and some similarities exist.

    So now I am stuck as I would be in need to talk about things with people that are much more educated. Just to ask questions.
    To try to 100% verify things. I don’t know how to go about.I don’t know to whom I could speak. I have a good hunch of what actually could cause it but I don’t really want to make a fool out of myself either. All I want to do is talk to some people that would listen to me. Is there even an interest of being heard?
    For instance:
    I would have some questions to as how an antibiotic (Minocycline) has an affect on intestinal flora that secretes chemicals which in turn are absorbed and utilized by our bodies and how a certain accumulation of a chemical element ingested (food,over the counter medicines, levels in water, use of certain cooking utensils and pots,etc.) or absorbed (skin, sunscreen, cosmetics,etc.) by people can be influenced by that. Especially the elimination of such element. Some chemical compositions of the element that influence absorption. I have material of studies on the subject but would like to ask questions in reference to other studies.
    How exactly this element is influencing the PH balance..I got some material on this but would need verification. This element can accumulate in bone and affect bone building and resorption, it can accumulate in synovial fluid, it can block certain pathways in the Krebs cycle and people ingest it every day more or less without knowing. It can up-regulate the immune response and trigger autoimmunity (which in my eyes “autoimmunity” is only an attempt of our bodies to fix something that got deranged elsewhere, a balancing act on a loosing streak – so to speak)…and, and, and….

    So who would I talk to and who could answer this?
    Btw.. I am not on any painkillers and take Mino now only occasional. I am pretty much pain free with some hick-ups here and there. My last x-rays showed no damage and I can do everything. I am even better in opening pickle jars, then my Hubby. LOL
    I also want to point out that it made a difference as to WHEN I took Minocycline. Taking one before bed at night helped more then taking it during the day…so to me there is a clear connection to the bodies Circadian rhythm and the hormones etc. particularly the Growth hormone that is implicated in bone building would be of interest here..I think.The fact that Minocycline also chelates Calcium, etc., influencing Calcium/Phosphorus balance….

    So you see, I got questions, questions, questions! Or maybe I am just crazy! πŸ˜†

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Roserd;
    No nice to see you back and know you are doing well.NO,you are not crazy and I have many of the same questions.
    I sure can’t ask any of my doctors as I seem to know more than them about SD.My AP doc knows very little about it but sure is good when it comes to leaky gut,PH,supplements,detox etc,etc.I agree with you about taking mino at night,figured that out years ago but never questioned the theory.Just thought that rest had something to do with it as I run like a crazy foll all day with barely 20 minutes break from the time I get up until at least 8:30 pm.Figure I will eventually invent the 48 hour day before I kick the bucket. hehehe
    Now what kinds of questions do you have? I will be seeing my lovely doctor at the end of Oct and can run them by her.Give me a list.


    Hi Lynne,

    I am hoping that a lot of other people will answer this post agreeing that taking Mino at night helps more.
    For the ones that do not know that and are on a single dose…maybe they could try and let us know if they experience the same thing.

    Maybe we should team up and try to verify some things like this. It is not hurting anyone if they take it at night or day, but it would help others to know and find out these little things that make a major difference.

    Our own little voluntary study, so to speak. LOL

    OK. You want to know what I have questions to? Almost impossible as I would need to sit down with someone and go over certain studies etc., I need a discussion more then a question-answer thing. That is why it is so hard to find someone to talk to. Well, maybe roadback.org is the place to start. So let’s get started!I see you also suffer from Lyme…

    Lyme disease…I have a lot of material on that one too…herxing…for anyone…there is something out there that I found through other Lyme forums, etc. to ease the herxing there is Burbur!
    Have you all heard about Desmodium molliculum? It is used since ancient times. It is a herb and used in Burbur amongst other supporting things, that have to do with chemicals that aid the liver and cells to rid itself and detox.

    So the story about herbs/spices and my knowledge about them comes way before my RA onset. I am somewhat educated through my Grandma in how to use and apply certain things for certain ailments. LOL My mother-in-law calls me a witch for that reason…(hopefully not for any other reasons)…LOL

    Let me find a link for a blog that I have saved so you all can read about some facts for Lyme,Herxing and Burbur. You all might find it useful.


    Something else interesting for you all to read about Lyme…


    or for more info just Google: mercury and Lyme disease

    So I not just looked into RA alone, as all the diseases that are Rheumatic are connected more or less.

    My theory about RA and some connected diseases are following:

    Main issue with RA might be Aluminium (Aluminum) (on top of mercury and maybe even some other things). It has to do with chemical compositions of it as well. Not just the element by itself.It has different affects in different chemical compositions. Did you know that Aluminum is also implicated in Alzheimers? A ton of studies I came across when researching it for other reasons. Some things are linked there too, btw.

    Aluminium is in a ton of products, cosmetics, care products, food, treated water (depending where you live), herbicides, pesticides on food, meats if the cow ate food that grew on soil with high aluminium content etc.) it all comes back to us, the list goes on and on. I studied what it does in the body.
    Btw..it is added to vaccines as an adjuvant! Did you know adjuvants make the immune response much more intense? There are studies where it is proven that it triggers autoimmunity! I got a lot of material on that one too.

    You got to understand…I looked and studied this now for 7 years and almost every day. I am not kidding!
    That is how bad I want an answer to all this!
    I learned more about the human body and how it functions, then I ever would have imagined. If you would have told me in school, that I should pay more attention to Biology, Physics and Chemistry because I would need it one day…I would have laughed out loud…yet here I am!I have been studying it very intensely since 7 years!

    I know now what pathways of the Krebs cycle are blocked and what is stimulated by certain toxins. I know what throws of all the PH balances. Phosphorus is a major buffer as well as a player in the balancing act. You can’t eat things high in Phosphorus because it makes you more sick? Drinking soda out of aluminum cans? Using antiperspirant stick (aluminum) for your arm pits every day ? Eat things made with baking powder (aluminum added) in it? Cook in pots that are containing aluminium as it gets transferred to your food when heated? Have you ever grilled fish (mercury) in aluminum foil? Did you know that when your body tries to balance out calcium, it releases bone, but also phosphorus and toxins that your body had previously stored there, also the kidneys help in the balancing act but in a delayed fashion that could make a difference in some things?

    Get my point? Oh..I forgot…we “inherit” those toxins already from our mothers too…

    So am I crazy when I take it even further by saying that all DNA changes are coming only indirect from natural selection but from long time exposure to what we and our ancestors, ate, drank and absorbed? Evolution is driven by our surroundings and how we utilized them and how the organism adapted with their bodies to make due with something. We know that the first humans started walking more upright when trees became scarce through climatic changes and they had to keep their heads up over the grasslands to see enemies. Do that for a long time and the body will change…bone conforms to how pressure is applied! Gentle constant pressure is what is used to make teeth straight! It all makes sense. It is what all organisms in their respective environments become over time. How would we all start to look on a planet without a lot of gravity? We know muscles start to disappear when in space… give it time…! I go as far as stating that Evolution is driven by Epigenetics and Epigenetics alone.Do not see each offspring of a being as an individual but as a continuating part of an organism!So therefore we are still in part our ancestors and everyone agrees to that, right? So technically each of us is still the one “ape” that started to look over the grass but a lot more modified now and we have also many different versions of it on this planet now, due to each version going again through it’s own epigenetic changes in each stage of it’s division and comingling and passing it on again (our kids). So now you see it all from my perspective, which is somewhat different then the usual but logic in my own opinion.

    So why do I tell you all this “nonsense” and what exactly has it to do with our rheumatic diseases? Well…if you understand the concept, you understand how things influence things that influence things and combine to influence yet another thing…etc.
    And that is the concept I used to find things out. Weeding out the sites that are questionable due to profitmaking but taking some info that might be interesting out of these sites and try to find scientific proof for some statements. Trust me..a lot of Bogus out there….
    But instead of going one direction, I followed but backtracked at the same time. This how things started to verify themselves.
    Did I loose you already? Still able to follow? If not..that’s ok..that’s why some may think I am crazy.
    Btw..this concept can be applied to everything. From the micro to the macro. It explains for instance why we had the Crustacean period on the planet..it simply had to happen..it was part of the balancing act. Just as much as what is happening now with global warming, except that we as humans added another factor to it other then what was in the past and therefore the outcome will be different but if we put smart people together that study this and that know what was in the past and cross-reference back and forth with the help of chemists for example, then the outcome is entirely predictable.

    If I could, I would like to start a research group that consists of a myriad of scientists from all kinds of different sciences, simply because of the connection from one to the other. You can get answers to a scientific question in one field from a totally different science field. We just need to realize this.Call me crazy..but my group would pair a Neuro-scientist with a Computer Programmer and an Electrical Engineer and a specialist on electromagnetic spectrum for instance just to study the brain…just to give you an example. LOL

    I would like to start a group with people that are interested as much as I am in finding a cure but not on a profit basis! Simply for the sake of finding it!
    How would I go about? Anyone got any ideas? Anyone who knows someone that has expertise in certain fields, that would be willing to contribute on their own time and own possible expense? Could we make a difference?

    Yep, I am crazy!LOL But what you might call crazy I just would call it a Hobby! My Hobby is studying up on stuff.

    If you have a question that interests you in particular I might have material on it or I would research it for you if you don’t have the time and see what I could dig up on the subject.

    Anyone interested in chiming in is welcome to let me know and maybe we organize this all a little.

    Any takers? πŸ˜†

    My Grandma always told me: “God helps the ones that are willing to help themselves.”

    …and that is the reason why you all are on Roadback.org already!

    Rosey UK

    I’ve read your post, but not sure what your saying or asking.
    Are you saying you’ve researched some important things that you believe we should know about, so that we too can be as well as you because if you do I for one want to know.
    . I don’t know how many years you were on Minos to get well again and can do everything. But if you know something I don’t please tell.
    Rosey uk


    Hi there,
    I just submitted a long, long post in response to Lynne and need to add this here for some Scleroderma folks.


    Also read the answers to that post!

    On the following scroll down to read about Zinc deficiency in Scleroderma (page 6 of 8).

    Read the part of above link that Penicillamine is used in Wilson’s Disease to chelate copper.

    Copper and Zinc are ALWAYS competing with uptake so if you have a copper toxicity then ..duh!

    Get my point? EVERYTHING is a balancing act! One balance out of order effects the next balance that relies on the first one to function…depending on your current constitution, genetic (already altered because of your ancestors sins or goodness in the way they lived with the environment) inheritance and what you consume, breath and absorb currently on a daily basis these things affect everyone different and things manifest themselves therefore different.
    We need to backtrack as well as look at current conditions AND most important what we do in the future and take note and then notice the changes for the better or worse and act accordingly.
    No Doctor can really do that for you as he can not be with you 24/7, you got to fine tune yourself. Research and other peoples experiences can help us in that task. We are in the age of information, I say let’s make use of it but do not follow blindly. You need to carefully backtrack, compare and see if you can apply things to yourself or not.

    I personally must say that i have a problem with all those supplements out there…if we purchase food grown and raised in the right manner (cows are adapted to eat grass not grains eg.corn, if you feed them what nature and evolution made them to eat, then they do not need antibiotics to stay healthy…it happens all by itself). We need to start going back to locally produced food that is harvested not half ripe to make the long trip cross country for instance. First the produce has not enough time to add the nutrients if harvested half ripe, then it looses the rest in warehouses and on those long trips to the consumer.
    The stuff is sprayed to the hilt, because the soil is depleted of nutrients and made up of chemical fertilizers and the plants can’t stay healthy to fight disease off…so we spray, spray, spray…. we need to get out of this destructive cycle!

    The first thing I keep reading when going to those discussion sites about illnesses (including roadback) is that people say: “When I got sick I started to eat healthier.” So we need to get sick in order to wake up? Forgive me to call you out but I am just as guilty!It’s a shame. You may say..well..there is nothing I can do about how the world turns nowadays… WRONG…the power to change things lies with the consumer. If companies start sitting on their stuff..what happens..the “trend” changes.
    Ask questions about things is the first step to change.
    I am ready to ask questions, very specific questions. Are you ready too?


    Hi all,
    more stuff to look at if one is interested…..



    Hi all,
    About the “infection connection” that is still a mystery…

    If you keep reading the links and start looking into things yourself, you will realize that the same question comes up all the time.

    What was first…the infection or the toxic effect of some substances?

    Bottom line, it really doesn’t matter as in some it is the interplay of these things, that cause disease and in others it is just the toxic substance and in others the reaction to the pathogen as they have similar chemicals often inhibiting the same pathways in our bodies or one feeding off the other.
    That would be my explanation to why some people have a pathogen present and why some do not. But in either way it is the immune system reacting.
    For instance:
    I believe the immune system is not just a fighting force but helping also in trying to balance things out again if gone very awry. For instance in Diabetes! Immune system destroys Beta cells that produce insulin…Why?..because some pathway is blocked where Insulin would be bad if it is released… the body can find an “alternative” way to circumvent that blocked pathway even when the Insulin is no longer available…burn fat instead of glucose for energy! So follow the path… and you will find the defect. Then research what all could be cause to block that pathway in the first place…
    Why I also look into Diabetes…my Dad had Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes. He was 9 years old when he was diagnosed…the typical stuff…had immense thirst and had to urinate excessively. That was in the year 1933. People did not know then about a lot of things. Being Austrian he went through WWII and Insulin was more then scarce and hard to come by. The Doctors told him he won’t live to see 20. that is when he said..OK, if I can’t live then at least I want to live good my last years and went off the diet for Diabetics when he was 18 and his parents couldn’t say anything anymore. He started to eat everything! He accumulated Insulin as he could get it…normal and Depot insulin (the long acting one) he mixed it! It worked better and he even was able to eat some…..SUGAR! Yep. A friend of his who had diabetes too did not survive the war and my Dad received all his Insulin from his friends Mom. It saved his life! So long story short. My Dad never measured his Blood sugar, he knew it by the thickness of his spit as he would put it, he ate a normal diet, I was born when he was 42, I never had diabetes. My Dad had a cabinet with chocolates and sweets and when he had a craving he gave himself an extra shot of Insulin and ate sweets.
    So this is what I grew up with. A pretty “hardy” family. That is where i got my fighting spirit from. My Dad passed without any complications from Diabetes when he was 70. He had a hip replacement in his late 50’s though and was out of the Hospital healed and walking within a short time frame. I remember the Doctors saying then to the nurses: “Don’t touch this man, let him do what he has been doing all his life.” On his nightstand in the Hospital he had Chocolates all the time. LOL

    So here we go again….there is maybe the connection that is made about RA and family and diabetes… what if something triggered his Diabetes that then (as I got obviously the same DNA change) also triggered my RA because we are susceptible to the same substance that maybe one of our ancestors was exposed to the opposite one and developed a change that would compensate for that one but offset the other?

    Any thoughts on that?

    OMG…another long post from me πŸ˜†


    To Lynne,
    well you got me going and this is my last post for now, I promise.

    When I studied first up on things I looked into all those remedies that were used for RA in the past centuries.
    Yep centuries. LOL I looked into Hildegard of Bingens arsenal (a healing nun from the 12 century) to what was used in ancient Greece and Rome as to Nordic traditions used in certain ailments and so on.
    I looked at statistics of prevalence for Arthritis in some populations and Boron deficiency in some countries soils – someone made a connection to it as well. Boron (as in Borax) is a trace mineral needed by the Parathyroid gland to function, just as much as Iodine is used for the Thyroid to function properly!
    So from my own Grandparents and their generations cure for Arthritis – sticking your pinky fingers wet tip into Borax and lick it off about 3 times a day, to Spirit of Amber (succinic acid), Beestings and other things, I looked into it. Even how breathing affects arthritis and other things.
    We all forget breathing, when we talk about acid-base balance of the body!
    Figured out about carboxylic acids and that a lot of these help or influence. I again looked at breathing and how different altitudes affect things as well.

    A lot of interesting material that makes sense.
    Some raise the question if anyone even looked into breathing when looking for instance at Gulf War Syndrome?
    These soldiers had to “work” in full heavy gear in heat and with Gas masks with the fear of breathing poison gas!
    You tell me…I would try to suppress my breathing even though I wear a gas mask. This throws off the acid base balance!
    Has anyone even looked into this fact? What came first? Neurological disorders or breathing disorders… I read about the studies from Buteyko and reading in more then one language gave me more insight. Breathing is a major factor when it comes to health or illness. It is a major part of the bodies acid-base regulatory system. Kussmaul breathing in diabetes for instance.

    So Lynne, as you can see, there is much, much more then what I can just pack into a list of a questions. You would have a folder full! πŸ˜†


    Here is another link that is very interesting to read:



    and a couple more:

    Some interesting links that tell me that my Grandparents generations cure to their arthritis by licking off Borax from their fingers made a lot of sense without them knowing why. It was just knowledge passed down from generation to generation and today it is scientifically proven, my Grandparents generation and the ones before them just didn’t know that some other things can influence arthritis as well and therefore this remedy did not work in everyone, but here the links:

    Now please understand when reading all these links I am providing here, that I am giving you them to be informed.
    Don’t go out and get for instance now Boron-supplements just because of the link you read. I suggest to first look if it could be part of your ailments or not. Maybe start out to include foods in your diet that are naturally higher in Boron. This can be googled for instance…why not run to buy a supplement right away? Well…food has other nutrients that work synergistic with certain minerals in uptake. We still do not know yet exactly all that we really need…trace minerals functions are still being explored and studied. If eating more of such foods help you in some way, then maybe try to add the mineral in most natural way possible. Some supplements have other fillers that might not be good for you…so all I say is..be careful and observe.


    Ok, so now after all this back to RA.

    (These results indicate that aluminum-containing adjuvants activate DCs and influence their ability to direct T(H)1 and T(H)2 responses through the secretion of IL-1beta and IL-18.)

    (Nevertheless, evidence points towards a significant role for DCs in disease maintenance and progression.)


    Aluminum link this to diabetes. Diabetes is a Pancreas disorder actually.

    and your typical detox herbs



    And since my Dad had Juvenile Type 1 diabetes and my whole family always had periodontal problems I remember that when I was a child we all also used a Dental powder that contained Aluminium lactate. We all used this every day.
    My Dad was the only one that got his teeth pulled early because he got tired of the gum treatments.
    I do believe that it is a major contributing factor.

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