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    jims, I do have a frequent problem with dehydration but monitor it closely so it shouldn’t have had an influence on my recent blood tests.

    Phil, I will call my physician’s office and ask to be put on the list of people to call if there are any cancellations. Thanks for the suggestion.



    I thought I’d bring everyone up to date on this problem:

    I haven’t been able to see my physician yet because she’s booked solid but I did manage to get a genetic test done through 23andMe. I am G6PD deficient (A- haplotype), an x-linked genetic trait, which means hydroxychloroquine can cause me to develop hemolytic anemia. Infections can lead to hemolytic anemia as well when one is affected with this trait but I have been suspecting hydroxychloroquine has been causing me problems for a while so I think it is most likely the cause. I found no evidence that aspirin or doxycycline are contraindicated, given my genetics, so I can continue with them 🙂

    I also learned that high doses of IV Vitamin C can cause hemolysis when one is affected by this trait. Something to be mindful of.



    Another update:

    Got my blood tests redone 6/6/2012. After approximately a month off hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline, most of my blood test results improved and returned to within normal range but I still have macrocytosis (slight) and some things got worse…
    my lymphocyte count dropped so it is at the lowest end of the normal range and my creatinine rose (and GFR dropped) to where it was on 2/21/2011. This tells me an infection is involved because these numbers had been steadily improving while on antibiotics and this is a significant setback.

    I plan to resume the doxycycline but not the hydroxychloroquine to see what happens.


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