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    I have found interesting information regarding probiotics that I believe everyone should know about. the product my naturopath has started me on I believe is the one we should all be taking because it has been identified as an immune sytem balancer, not one that boosts one aspect and weakens another. I have forwarded some interesting info regarding my probiotic which is mentioned briefly at the end of the article but the article explains why it is so crucial that people like us use the proper probiotic not just one off of a shelf. its actually pretty scary to think of the dangers involved in taking the wrong probiotic as it could actually result in more inflammation. the article below is not endorsing any products nor am I.



    Gord, thanks for your efforts and sharing this important information with us. We’ve been discussing probiotics recently and I think it’s time I re-visited this subject for myself to ensure I’m covering this corner.


    Superb article, very important. Thank you for sharing it.

    Jan Lucinda1

    I’m wondering what strains are recommended for RA? Does it say?


    there are no specific strains menioned and it does not talk about RA just inflammation in general. it just states that in order for us to bring inflammation under control we must balance both t1 and t2 regulators in the immune system. most shelve probiotics only boost one or the other and are inaffective. you must choose a probiotic that balances both and it gives examples of two probiotics that do just that. i googled my probiotic and found this article the probiotic i take is from the company NFH and the product is called ProBio SAP-90 i think it runs about 35$ a bottle canadian and the article says this is one of the best ones to take on the market. My naturopath also said it was the best and she only recommended and did not sell it to me so ill take her word for it. addidtionally i have noticed a big difference in energy, bowel movements and my pain is next to nothing now. ive had maybe 2 flares over the last 5 weeks both lasted about a day and they werent even that bad. since i started minocycline 100mg every three days i have gotten my life back in under two months. I’m very happy with the results these two products are giving me. I credit my probiotic as much as i do the minocycline. oh and another fun fact this probiotic as mentioned in the article helps out with b-cell depletion which has been identified as a major factor in RA as well.


    Thanks Gordbentley for your information. Here is some news for you. The probiotic you take actually does exactly what your article describes and here is the link. http://www.intjnm.org/articleplain.php?id=57


    For those of you the article I posted is very long. Here is what is mentioned in the article.
    NFH ProBio SAP-90 contains a blend of probiotic strains that will cause a more balanced Th1:Th2 response, whereas HMF forte more specifically activates the Th1 pathway and thus down-regulates overactive Th2 disorders. Conversely, the probiotic mixture VSL#3 promotes secretion of cytokines that drive a Th2 response and, therefore, will prevent and treat diseases associated with Th1 cell rigidity


    wow, thanks for posting a better article that explains my previous article in actual english. the one i posted is more for the crazy scientist.


    you seem more educated on this matter, im just a tradesmen so I would like to ask a few questions if I may. wouldn’t we want to balance these two regulators T1 and T2 to keep our immune system in balance? their are theories and a bit of evidence suggesting RA can be triggered by allergies, and crohns has also been show to leave people vulnerable to RA as well, so hence if we are already predisposed to RA both of these factors could hence trigger RA? what im trying to say is if we took the probiotic that downregulated crohns couldnt we in turn create allergies within ourselves and make our disease worse, or even develope crohns? maybe im rambling on just trying to figure this all out. would you reccomend that i stay on the probiotic im using now or should i switch to one of the other two? im reading the article but i dont understand which one i should be taking because they dont mention RA, just allergies and crohns. and both those conditions are inflammatory as well which also throws me off. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts regarding this. im assuming we would want balance but they mention dominating one regulator or another by using other probiotics.


    Gordbentley, you are giving me too much credit. I found out some other research on the web when I read through the article that you posted. So basically 😳 I just cut and pasted some essential lines from the article I found. I believe the decision to use any supplement or med is entirely upto an an individual. If it is making the individual feel better (as well blood tests etc are fine) then by all means he/she should continue to take them. From what you posted, I believe you are feeling better with this probiotic so you should continue on this regimen. I am thinking of getting this probiotic myself just to see if it does help my condition too.



    How can we know which decease is caused by which: Th1 or Th2 and which probiotic each of us should take?

    Thanks in advance for any ideas as I’m quite confused now…


    thats why I am confused as well, crohns and allergies are both inflammatory conditions, and both can involve the gut?? im going to assume this means we should just balance it out which is why i take a probotic that balances t1 and t2 and fights b-cell depletion.

    Jan Lucinda1

    I looked up the 10 strains contained in ProBio SAP 90. I don’t have the list with me now but will post it later.

    Jan Lucinda1

    The 10 strains in ProBio SAP 90 are similar to those in NSI Probiotic 15-35 sold at vitacost.

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