Home Forums General Discussion Probiotics – herx?

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    Hi everyone,

    I am on Mino (2x100mg) daily and azithromycin (500mg twice per week) for Seroneg RA. I have been on your regular health store probiotics all this time (Now, Udi’s, etc). Last week I purchased Genestra Replete. It comes in 7 sachets – each measuring approx 5 teaspoons. I took 1 teaspoon with my dinner. I woke that night to a pounding, fast heart rate, very dry mouth, and I felt very warm (this lasted approx 30 minutes or so). Has anyone experienced anything like this? Could this have been a herx-like reaction? It lasted about 30 minutes, after which I was fine. I didn’t take it again just in case, but I am considering 1/4 teaspoon today – apparently this probiotic is very, very potent.




    Yes, I have, after taking a questionable probiotic. And, no, I don’t think what you describe was a herx but I could be wrong.

    I think you may have a probiotic that is not good for you. In fact, many probiotics are unsafe because they contain the wrong kind of species or incorrectly identified species or too high an amount of certain species that can result in infection. I recommend sticking with a probiotic that has had the species verified by independent laboratories, not in-house labs, and that has been well researched by independent researchers such as Cuturelle (only 1 species) or VSL#3 (medical-grade, contains 8 species)


    Hi BG,

    Thanks for your reply. I am in Canada, so I’m not familiar with the brands that you mention – although I will look into them. Genestra is supposed to be a really good company and this product is made with human strain. I have never had a reaction to other probiotics in the past – I am ASSUMING that is what hit me the other night though. There are only a couple of strains in this one, as well as FOS. It is also supposed to be pharmaceutical grade from what I understand.

    Thanks again,



    It could be the FOS, in addition to the type of bacterial species and number, that is causing you problems. The info found via the following link provides a nice synopsis of the issues surrounding FOS and inulin: http://www.leaflady.org/bewareFOS.htm


    Interesting thread.
    I have long been suspicious of probiotics and the claims made about them.
    Quite apart from whether or not they work, where are the different brands made, under what conditions, what is in them etc etc etc.
    I have taken them occasionally but very cautiously and in very small amounts.
    I prefer to eat a few spoonfuls of plain unsweetened yoghurt instead. My stomach likes yoghurt and yoghurt also seems to stop or reduce acid reflux quite quickly.
    After reading the article (link in previous post), it seems clear that yoghurt does the job.

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