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    While reading a piece about vaccinations by a pediatrician a few minutes ago, I thought of you and your baby girl. And now am wondering if she might have had any recent vaccinations before onset of her problems? 

    Just brainstorming here.  However, you might find this article in Dr. Mercola's newsletter by the pediatrician interesting.   The article is pretty long.  At the end of it is a discussion about (after vaccination and then additional vaccinations) different reactions to different meds, etc. when vaccinations have been done. 

    Hoping you will soon find answers that will get her well,


    Hi!!!  You are so kind!!!  I love Dr mercola…and…what a coincidence…Dr Palevksy- the doc he interviews is OUR NEW PEDIATRICIAN!!!!!  I went to him because I did NOT vaccinate..too afraid of bad reactions..like auto immune diseases hahaha….HE is the one that is looking at JRA from a nutritional poin-of-view and discovered the wheat allergy…. We are praying that it is the trigger that caused the inflammation. Praying hard.  So tired of seeing my poor baby not walking.  She's been gluten free for 4 days..seeing a bit more movement….I  LOVE Dr P…..I feel that if the food/immune system connection is NOt the cause and we DO want to try ap therapy he will help.  THANKS AGAIN..will keep you posted! yvette

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