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    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    I posted about Phil the Shill because we had discussed him here before when he was dx’d. This is OT, but goes along with his story if you interested in pharma marketing at all:


    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

    Jan Lucinda1


    Another interesting article. Amgen blocks pharmalot to their employees. Bad.


    more on Phil:


    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

    Jan Lucinda1

    Arthritis Foundation sponsored by Amgen-Phizer?


    @Jan Lucinda1 wrote:

    Arthritis Foundation sponsored by Amgen-Phizer?

    Yeah… well, why not? Better to get the Arthritis Foundation on board fighting for your cause, aint it? Here in Australia the Arthritis Foundation has absolutely no mention of Mino or any other treatment used for Arthritis other than the usual chemicals. In fact there’s a big warning from them in their pamphlets they hand out, strictly saying not to seek out alternative treatments on the internet etc …as they are scams…

    Now, the Arthritis Foundation is a trusted source right? …. 😆


    From Pfizer:

    introducing First Line Phil:
    “Mickelson understands the importance of acting early.

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

    Jan Lucinda1

    Where is the quote from the Psiriatic Arthritis group saying biologics often loose their effectiveness?


    Hi—It sure looks like the quote “we are them ” applies to this thread –AS bad as folks criticize the antibiotic therapy –I see the same type of behavior in this thread –Mickelson got sick –took a biologic and now feels better and is back to his golf -why shouldnt he promote the biologic ???? —-Lets see now –one post about biologics losing their effectiveness —Phil the shill -and more —I would think if more time is spent being positive about the antibiotic therapy and less negative about Phil and biologics –Our credibility would be better served —


    Everybody who is gets dealt this terrible hand of card has to play it out in their own way. For some it’s AP, for some it’s biologics. All we can do is give people information, and live by example. I know for a fact that Phil got the information that AP is out there. I gave it to him. I work at the same place as his brother Tim. I wrote a lengthy letter to Phil when his diagnosis first became public knowledge, and I know Tim passed it on to Phil from me. Phil has made the choice that made the most sense for him at this time. He may very well change his mind later, and if that happens, I stand ready to welcome him with open arms to the family of AP believers.


    Jan Lucinda1


    Nice coincidence you know his brother. Time will tell what happens,



    The only time I would ever wish for biologics to fail someone. it really would be a turning point if we converted Phil!! but he would be coming to the green grassy side not the dark side. 😀


    I’m sorry that anyone would take what I’ve posted as anything other than what it is – commentary on the marketing side of pharma. There is criticism of this story from people who have no idea how you treat AI disease – whether traditional or alternative or AP or holistic or homeopathic – because of how it happened and the money spent.

    We don’t have a lot of conversations in this vein on this site, but I posted it because there was thread about him when he was first diagnosed and this followed up his story.

    Jan does make a good point, in that the Arthritis Foundation now backs him while Psoriasis Cure Now issued a statement about his remarks when the story broke:

    “Bottom line talking points for the 19th hole:

    * Psoriatic arthritis is a serious disease, and can be debilitating.

    * Many people with psoriatic arthritis cannot afford the type of treatment Phil Mickelson is on, the cost of which can easily exceed $15,000 annually.

    * While Phil Mickelson is confident he has psoriatic arthritis licked for the long-term, many psoriatic arthritis patients find that even the best treatments lose effectiveness over time. The sad truth is psoriatic arthritis could cause him more trouble down the road, even with the world’s best doctors and best medical treatments.”

    Okay, one last one from PharmaMarketing:

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

    Jan Lucinda1

    @Suzanne wrote:

    I’m sorry that anyone would take what I’ve posted as anything other than what it is – commentary on the marketing side of pharma. There is criticism of this story from people who have no idea how you treat AI disease – whether traditional or alternative or AP or holistic or homeopathic – because of how it happened and the money spent.

    We don’t have a lot of conversations in this vein on this site, but I posted it because there was thread about him when he was first diagnosed and this followed up his story.

    Jan does make a good point, in that the Arthritis Foundation now backs him while Psoriasis Cure Now issued a statement about his remarks when the story broke:

    “Bottom line talking points for the 19th hole:

    * Psoriatic arthritis is a serious disease, and can be debilitating.

    * Many people with psoriatic arthritis cannot afford the type of treatment Phil Mickelson is on, the cost of which can easily exceed $15,000 annually.

    * While Phil Mickelson is confident he has psoriatic arthritis licked for the long-term, many psoriatic arthritis patients find that even the best treatments lose effectiveness over time. The sad truth is psoriatic arthritis could cause him more trouble down the road, even with the world’s best doctors and best medical treatments.”

    Okay, one last one from PharmaMarketing:

    I just reread this after seeing an article in Parade Magazine on Mickelson which refers to oncoursewithphil.com sponsored by Amgen and Phizer.

    Jan Lucinda1

    Suzanne makes some good points.

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