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    As usual researching on my mom’s behalf because it is hard for her on many different levels. We have pretty much identified that after a massive tooth surgery (with no antibiotics even though she asked for them) and having peridontal disease beforehand, that my mom’s RA is caused by the pathogens in peridontal disease…. She has been on the AP protocal for almost 2 years with minimal success. She is also taking way too much prednisone. She is on minocyline, azithromyacine, and a ton of supplements.

    Just wondering if anyone has had success with RA caused by P Gingivalis from peridontal disease…. We need to focus in on the cause and destroy! ANY advice, theories or support is appreciated…


    All I know is that my knee swelled up after a smelly root canal was opened to replace a broken crown. That prompted me to have the root canal removed and have one of my real teeth destroyed to put in a bridge.

    Well, the bridge doesn’t really match my real teeth and I still have the arthritis pain. Sorry to give you disappointing news but all that hassle and expense didn’t seem to do me any good at all. Just wanted to give you my experience. I wish I had left my very pretty teeth alone.

    A Friend

    @kcdrake wrote:

    As usual researching on my mom’s behalf because it is hard for her on many different levels. We have pretty much identified that after a massive tooth surgery (with no antibiotics even though she asked for them) and having peridontal disease beforehand, that my mom’s RA is caused by the pathogens in peridontal disease…. She has been on the AP protocal for almost 2 years with minimal success. She is also taking way too much prednisone. She is on minocyline, azithromyacine, and a ton of supplements.

    Just wondering if anyone has had success with RA caused by P Gingivalis from peridontal disease…. We need to focus in on the cause and destroy! ANY advice, theories or support is appreciated…

    KC, I strongly recommend you consider finding a respected holistic dentist and making an appointment for her. They have testing instruments that can reveal such as heavy metals and cavitation infections visually on testing screens, etc. There is a link for finding these recommended dentists. Also, root canals are known to cause chronic illnesses, and some breast cancer. It would be good if you could rule dental problems “in” or “out” as the cause of her chronic problems.


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