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    [user=1054]jims[/user] wrote:

    Hi Trudi, so you are saying that the Lyme was already there and after you started AP you showed a bulls-eye rash?

    Yes, the bulls-eye rash along with petechiae (sign of bacterial infection) showed up about 2 weeks after starting AP.  (BTW, I was bitten by a tick in May of 2003 and  received (I believe) only 2 weeks antibiotic treatment.) My doctor said that often happens when treatment is started to have an underlying illness come to the surface.  I still have the rash–it's ugly and big now–nothing like the bulls-eye rash; my doctors believe it could be a physical manifestation of my bacterial load.  Since January of this year I am on antibiotics and the rash is starting to fade, but ever so slowly.

    That would indicate the possibility of a long period of time going by after the initial infection and when the rash appears then the lyme becomes active?

    I wouldn't say that my Lyme became active then.  I started having problems with joint pain about three months after my '03 bite.  In fact I was tested for Lyme because of the earlier bite, but the test was negative.  My symptoms actually became much worse when my then doctor started me on Benicar–a blood pressure drug.  Benicar is also part of the Marshall protocol and it disables bacteria.  My understanding is that my immune system started killing off the disabled bacteria and my increasing swelling, stiffness, and joint pain were herx reactions.

    The introduction of the AP started a process that allowed the rash to manifest?


    I have read theories that there are many ways to contract lyme other than just ticks. Makes me wonder what the real number of infections are. jim:)

     My husband's aunt got her Lyme from a horsefly.  I don't know how they test for it, but her doctor told her this.  I think many people are infected but their immune system is keeping it in check–or on the flip side, their immune system isn't working that well and the bacteria reside below the surface until something happens to upset the apple cart.

    Hope I got all your questions, Trudi

    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Cherie and Jim, thanks for your messages and hope I didn't waffle on too much! :blush: I have a tendency to write books when I get on a roll.

    Love your pic, Jim! Really nice to put a face to the posts. 😀 The ocean in the background has me dreaming of a summer vacation by the beach….as the snow piles up outside tonight in freezing CT.

    Peace, Maz


    A Friend

    [user=2022]Cherie[/user] wrote:

    Just wanted to find out if anybody got the arthritis first and then the psoriasis second like me. When you went into remission and your arthritis was gone did the psoriasis stay? I only have on it my scalp and elbows, but even that I can't stand.

    My doctor told me it was hereitary but the only person that I know for sure had psoriasis was my uncle, and he had it all over his body, but he never got arthritis.

    EDIT… note:  Cherie, Vinny, Jims… Since the url would not open, I pasted the article into PMs for the three of you who posted about having psoriasis problems.  AF

    Heather, it's my personal belief that most of us probably gradually develop yeast/fungal overgrowth; and the byproducts of it go on to cause our immune system and body to develop whatever type illness we are most predisposed to develop.  I think we can inherit tendencies, but I also believe if we discover what these “tendencies” are, we can possibly avoid developing illnesses, and can better know what to do, to help our bodies overcome and get well after we have these. 

    For all of you who posted about psoriasis, you may find this article by a lady physician in west Texas very interesting.  The Doug Kaufmann newsletters have articles by her frequently, and I've never failed to be impressed with her knowlege.  This is the link I've saved on psoriasis.  I reduced the size of this link to a size 8, but it still shows up quite long on the screen below.  If this tiny url doesn't work, I can copy and paste the article into a PM for any of you who'd like to read it. 





    Hi A friend, thanks for the PM about psoriasis. I read it, and found it interesting to consider my psoriasis is linked to my fungal issues. BTW- both are improving, I think. If my tongue is any indication, and I've had a black then green now greenish white becoming pink almost! My GP says that is the least of my worries. I don't have the inclination/energy to argue with her anymore, in an attempt to sell her on the idea that the fungal issues are just as important as any other manifestation of my Psa. I need to find a GP that will work with me, by listening and admitting they don't know everything. Not be p/o'd that I research and come in with info and suggestions. Dr. S in Tn. and Ga. I believe is such a Doctor but he is 8 hours away, hard to see him regularly. I have some leads on a couple of Doctors nearby that are only a couple of years out of med school that seem open minded, and don't have a long patient base built up yet. Sorry if this is a rant, I just wish  Doctors would give credit to us patients who have a chronic ailment, and spend 2-3 hours daily (most days) for over two years (me) reading about it. Once again I must add that I am extremely thankful for The RBF and all the great folks here that make my days more bearable!! jims:)

    A Friend

    Jims, I may have missed the state that you live in.  Do you mind telling me?  It might be that others or I might know of such a physician nearer you.  There is a list of complementary physicians available online, but at the moment I'm not remembering under which heading they are listed.  Someone reading this, may recall.  If you live anywhere near Birmingham, Alabama, you might find some there —http://www.arthritistrust.org , I believe, may have information on this.  I seem to remember under Articles Important on the Home Page an article or articles by a physician on the subject of Psoriasis. 

    Hang in there!!!  There are answers, and I believe you will find them.  Also, the first three books by Doug Kaufmann will probably give simple, but effective, guidelines for all of us. 


    Cheryl F

    [user=28]A Friend[/user] wrote:

    There is a list of complementary physicians available online, but at the moment I'm not remembering under which heading they are listed. 

    AF may be referring to the http://www.acam.org website, you can click on find a physician and get infromation by zip code and distance. 

    Hope this helps.



    Hi again Vinny,

    I see that you are online, so I thought I'd email once again.  You stated that your internist would prescribe anything you could make a good argument for.”
      So, that leads me to ask, how did you present your argument for AP and LDN?  Did you present the doctor's pages and protocol from this website? We tried that route with very limited success so far with my husband's doctors. 

    By way of reminder, hubby has psoriatic arthritis, maybe AS, osteoarthritis, and who knows what else.  He was exposed to toxic chemicals as a Marine at Camp LeJeune, basically the whole time he was there.  He has had a number of rare health problems that probably were caused by this exposure to toxins.  Hyperplasia of the parotid gland, a cyst in the talus bone, numerous precancerous polyps at a young age, and continuing, etc. 

    The holistic doctor he sees in Nashville has helped by diagnosing him with hypothyroidism, prescribing thyroid medicine (Westhroid), fasting and supportive supplements for during the fast, liquid Cat's Claw extract, DHEA, Melatonin, LDN, 5HTP, Bromelain 500mg, and various other nutritional supplements.  Unfortunately, although he has helped hubby a great deal with other issues, he has thus far been unwilling to try the minocycline treatment.  This doc has used it before, but for whatever reason, considers it a last resort for hubby.  I believe he thinks that hubby's immune system will be able to overcome the PSa on its own.  We disagree. 

    So, we are still searching for a doc who will prescribe the mino again for him.  Hubby was on mino for about three months over a year ago, and went from not being able to pick up the coffee pot or even a heavy coffee cup, to being able to use power tools again.  He has regressed back to the point of not being able to pick up the coffee pot again.  I would be giving him my minocycline, but I am about out of it, and just now found someone to prescribe it for me again.

    I just quit my doc b/c she would not listen to anything I said and kept shunting me off to various specialists by just making appts, which I then cancelled.  I am not going to pay a high price for a specialist, only to argue with them about what I really need.  I now see a nurse practitioner who will prescribe everything I need, except the LDN.  She has to prescribe under a physician in the practice, and although she is convinced that LDN would be very helpful for my fibromyalgia, the physician is not. 

    I have fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, RA, Discoid Lupus, hypothyroidism, and insulin resistance.  I had done very well on mino for the past 8 years, until last summer (2009).  I went from 100mg. 2X/day, MWF, with Cortef and Armour Thyroid, to 100 mg. mono 1X per day, M and F only.  Last summer began a flare that I did not recognize (denial?) as a flare, in my knees and hips.  I believe that the blood sugar issue is the reason why the flare began.  Another reason I dumped my doc–my fasting glucose was 111 in 2008, but all she wanted to focus on was my cholesterol levels.  Since starting the new nurse practitioner, I have started Metformin, and she increased my thyroid from 60 to 90 mg, changed me from Armour, which didn't seem to be working very well anymore, to Westhroid. 

    While I am quite hopeful that the increase in thyroid meds and control of the sugar problem will help, I am still dealing with the pain issue.  Hence, the desire for LDN.  Soma works, but she won't prescribe it, and I can't work while taking that anyway. 

    Sorry to be so long winded….Long story short, both hubby and I need someone to help with mino/ LDN. 

    Thanks for listening!

      Lisa L

    A Friend

    Lisa L,

    If you and your husband have not read Professor Garth Nicolson's work on Gulf War Syndrome, and treatment of the illnesses that ensued after this period, this may be of help and encouragement to you both … especially the use of AP protocols, to which he adds a list of supplements, plus additional recommendations.  (Prof. Nicolson can be e-mailed from the site on down below.  You can ask questions, and he usually replies.  He has recommended protocols such as Dr. Thomas Brown recommended.  Prof GN was  at one time the Chief Scientific Officer at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital.  He began the Institute of Molecular Medicine.  Also, he began solving the riddle of the Gulf War veterans illnesses, and addressed this matter before Congress.)

    If you go to http://www.immed.org you will be able to read some of the articles about these experiences and work of his and his wife (also a scientist) involving chronic illness in veterans.  Their daughter returned from the Gulf War with this problem.  Professor Nicolson finally became involved in getting veterans' diagnoses of their true problems, and not the “post traumatic stress syndrome” trying to be blamed for these illnesses. 

    Dr. Nicolson, in addition to AP type protocols, includes suggested supplements to aid in the effectiveness of these protocols. 

    Good luck to you and your husband.  And please give him my thanks for his service to our country. 


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