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    Trudi and Mumof3,

    Thank you so much it is just so scary because don't you wonder, what if the main stream docs are right? What if I am causing permanent damage to his bones? I really, reallly appreciate everyone because that gives me more confidence.



    [user=1274]luvmywonderfulkids[/user] wrote:

    …what if the main stream docs are right?

    If they were right, we wouldn't be on this board.  We came here because we either exhausted what mainstream had to offer or would not consider their toxic drugs.

    I have to admit, I often question my decisions, but my gut always tells me this is right.  It's slow, though, and herxing (healing) is no fun.

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?



    Safe travels to you and your family on your way to see Dr. S.  I remember the anticipation of all of it like it was just yesterday.  Iowa was the first physical evidence of hope for me, and I know it's the beginning of your journey toward healing.  Please let us know that you got there ok, and how you're doing. 


    You are an amazing mother, and doing everything you can to help your son.  Life isn't fair all the time, and things may not happen the way we plan but, there is a plan…Keep your chin up, and keep being there fighting for your son because THAT will make a big difference for him. 



    [user=2168]PetRescue[/user] wrote:

    Michelle-I'm happy to list you as you're doing a great job trying to help others as well. I read the story of Yana and it broke my heart. So tragic. I will do whatever I can to help pay it forward-once I get started that is!

    Every time I think of Ayanna, my heart sinks.  And I think of her many times a day.  I only wish I had heard about AP sooner, for Ayanna and for my mom.  But, can't look back, can only move forward.

    We leave tomorrow for Ft. Lauderdale but I'll be checking the board for news of your trip and road to recovery! 

    Quick update on my mom…she's doing fantastic!  I really have seen such a huge shift in the last two weeks in her health.  She has an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and a home health nurse and an RN coming in.  I mentioned to Dr. T (her PCP) that I wanted to get her some PT and look what we've got!  CRAZY!  We've  got people in and out every Tuesday and Thursday.  It's quite the mad house!  She's loving it though!  She is so excited about all of it, she's doing her exercises, doing things for herself, walking more, singing, laughing, I'm so proud of her, I can't stand it!  :roll-laugh:  Her goal is to walk into dialysis with her walker instead of using the wheel chair.  She is also planning on going through all of her clothing when we get back from Florida and getting a St. Vincent DePaul donation together.  She can't wear half of her clothing anymore since she lost so much weight.  She also said she will start to use her incumbent bike with the OK from the PT when we get home!

    Last night our weirdo dog was freaking out…he tends to do that every now and then and hides behind furniture, paces, pants, gets startled and bolts up from laying down…He's old, a Scheltie and is just one of those “special” dogs that need Prozac…anyhow, he was hiding behind an end table, freaked out and got caught up in the cord for the lamp and the lamp went down, a picture went down, the surround sound speaker went down and he got stuck.  My mom subconsciously went right over to him and a few minutes later, she said, “I didn't use my walker!”  She was off the wall excited! She couldn't believe it.  I couldn't believe it.  We just about had a party right then and there!

    She really is progressing – I am so PROUD and GRATEFUL!  She has come such a long way in a year.  She was in the hospital last year and we thought she wasn't going to come home.  It's been a long journey!

    NO ONE CAN TELL ME AP DOES NOT WORK.  NO ONE.  I don't care who they are.  I will spread the news far and wide until the day I die!

    Blessings Jen and all!



    Your post just made my night (and envisioning the dog wrapped up, with stuff falling down all around made me giggle).  I remember having anxiety about falling or tripping because I was frightened I wouldn't be able to get up.  We lived in a condo near a busy intersection when I was the sickest, and I would panic when I had to walk across the street because it took me almost the entire light to do so, and I was afraid if I tripped, I'd get run over by a car before I'd be able to get up in time.  It's weird because that was the same crosswalk I used to sprint  through on my running route to the lakefront for 2 1/2 years.  I kept telling myself that someday I'd run through that intersection again, without fear…and I did, 8 months after starting AP.  NO ONE will ever be able to tell me that AP doesn't work, either…and I will tell everyone I know or meet about it forever. (and I intend on being here a LONG time)

    Tell your mom how happy I am for her–that's just amazing that she didn't have to use her walker:roll-laugh::roll-laugh:




    I hope we're all invited to the “burn-the-walker” party!  :blush:

    Thanks for an awesome post.

    Take care……kim


    [user=1335]mkbeeliever[/user] wrote:

    She really is progressing – I am so PROUD and GRATEFUL!  She has come such a long way in a year.  She was in the hospital last year and we thought she wasn't going to come home.  It's been a long journey!

    NO ONE CAN TELL ME AP DOES NOT WORK.  NO ONE.  I don't care who they are.  I will spread the news far and wide until the day I die!

    Blessings Jen and all!

    With such a great daughter like you, plus God blessings, and many bright candle lights held up for you by our wonderful angelic volunteers, your determination of getting her back to good health is going to pay off. I am so thrilled to hear your mom's recovery. Keep them in your journal, perhaps you could write a book to show how AP works for her!!!






    [user=1335]mkbeeliever[/user] wrote:

    She really is progressing – I am so PROUD and GRATEFUL!  She has come such a long way in a year.  She was in the hospital last year and we thought she wasn't going to come home.  It's been a long journey!

    Great to hear.  Have a wonderful/relaxing vacation–


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Michelle, that is just FANTASTIC news! How grateful you must be for your Sheltie! :roll-laugh: That is such a hoot…and I'm only laughing, as we used to have a beautiful yellow lab and she was quite mad as a pup…did you see the movie, “Marley and Me?” Well, that was Jessie as a pup. I can just visualise your Mom now! What a gift to have just forgotten her disability to “take up her pallet and walk!” Your Sheltie deserves a big doggie cookie for instigating that wild, miraculous incident.

    Peace, Maz

    PS I'll be there for the walker burning. I'm already booked for a scleroderma AP picket line in TN, so will swing by afterwards!


    These stories, Michelle and Maria, bring tears of happiness to my eyes….:crying:

    I hope, someday, this will be mainstream medicine!


    Thanks for the inspiration Michelle and Maria! I'm so happy for your mother.

    Sharon 🙂




     I am so glad that I am able to help in any way. This board and the people here have given me SO MUCH.. its amazing. If I can ever help somebody else, I certainly will.

    I am sorry we had to “meet” this way too, but.. oh well..  gotta make lemonade out of those lemons, right? ( and I really LIKE lemonade! )

    From one “Cat Lady” to another:  PURRS and HEADBUTTS!

    Your friend,


     Connie    >^..^<


    SO GREAT to hear of your Moms progress!

    I am sending my love and blessings to you both.. keep it going!!   🙂



    Your friend,

    Connie   >^..^<

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