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    I have SD renal failure and you have helped me before. I developed an infection, I was on peroteneal dialysis, in late December 2011. My doctor has taken me off minocyclene which was prescribed by Dr S. I am having blood tests next week to ensure that infection is truly gone. Can I take the minocyclene again ? My doctor was not a believer but let me take it because he did not think it would be harmful. Anybody have any thoughts? Maybe I need to go to Iowa? I live in Florida. Thanks so much

    RBFV Edit to remove AP Physician’s full surname as per forum guidelines. Thanks for your understanding.


    @jeanann wrote:

    I have SD renal failure and you have helped me before. I developed an infection, I was on peroteneal dialysis, in late December 2011. My doctor has taken me off minocyclene which was prescribed by Dr S. I am having blood tests next week to ensure that infection is truly gone. Can I take the minocyclene again ? My doctor was not a believer but let me take it because he did not think it would be harmful. Anybody have any thoughts? Maybe I need to go to Iowa? I live in Florida. Thanks so much

    Hi Jeanann,

    Very sorry to hear about your infection and rough go of things, but very glad to hear you are on the mend. My guess is that your doc took you off mino in order to treat the infection with a different, more appropriate anti-microbial for the acute infection? Also, important to wait a bit to ensure that the infection is gone and that you won’t require another round of antibiotics for that? Some abx are complementary, but some are contraindicated for use with one another due to interactions.

    How is your kidney function doing now?

    Perhaps once your labs return and give you the “all clear,” you could jot a note to Dr. S. and tell him what has been going on, as he prescribed the mino for you. He would likely say that it’s important to clear the overt infection first and then you can resume your mino, but it might be important to also share with him your current labwork so he can take a look at your kidney and other relevant lab values.

    Hang in there…sometimes other infections make an appearance while we’re on the therapy and the treatment plan gets interrupted for a while. It might be coincidence that we get another infection or it might be that there is a latent infection that gets exposed when the overwhelming infection is being treated. These bugs get holded up in bio-films in our bodies and this is how they manage to survive for long periods of time. So treating other infections as we go can be a very important piece of the puzzle.

    Fingers crossed that your labs come back clear and all within normal range so you can get back on track with your mino, but would definitely suggest putting in an email or phone call to Dr. S. to ask for his experienced guidance on this. 🙂


    I will do that Maz. He has been so nice I will keep him posted. I sent him my insurance information but he has never charged me. I feel very guilty bothering him again. But my doctors here do not believe in AP. Yes they took me off to deal with the bacteria, pseudomonos (sp) is that right? Ever heard of it? I guess we all have it in our bodies, maybe I need a probiotic when I go back on? So glad you think I will be able to start agin.


    Hi Jeanann – So sorry you’ve had an infection! Will keep you in my prayers! Good to “connect” with you again!


    @jeanann wrote:

    I will do that Maz. He has been so nice I will keep him posted. I sent him my insurance information but he has never charged me. I feel very guilty bothering him again. But my doctors here do not believe in AP. Yes they took me off to deal with the bacteria, pseudomonos (sp) is that right? Ever heard of it? I guess we all have it in our bodies, maybe I need a probiotic when I go back on? So glad you think I will be able to start agin.

    Dr.S. is such a kind-hearted man. He’s also a bit of a snowbird in his semi-retirement (and much-deserved), so he may even be away for a couple weeks at this time of year. If you hang in there, you should get a reply, but you can also try putting in a call, if urgent, to see if he is around.

    Yes, pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of those common hospital-acquired opportunistic pathogens that love bio-films and create them to protect themselves and survive. It is common to contract it in a hospital setting and where catheters are being used, as this bug clings to surfaces. So, anyone with a urinary catheter or having dialysis, for example, would be prone to this type of infection, especially when immune function is compromised. You can read about it here:


    It is a serious infection, so really glad you got this one treated right away, Jeanann.

    I am not sure which abx your doc put you on for the P. aeruginosa, but according to the Wiki link, cipro is one of those that can be used and, after checking Drugs.com, there don’t seem to be any drug-interactions with mino and cipro.


    Your doc may have wanted you off mino, though, in case he had to try a few different abx to clear the acute infection?

    Yes, probiotics are very important for anyone on antibiotics, as these will replenish the good bacteria in the gut that get wiped out by the antibiotics and outnumbered by overwhelming infections. Finding a good brand(s) may be quite important to you, if you have a good naturopath you can see and talk about this.

    Shouldn’t be any problem starting mino again, but am sure it’s important to clear this other infection first and just check the kidney situation with Dr. S., sending him your labs, if poss.

    Hope you’re feeling better, Jeananne…hang in there. Sometimes these hiccups happen and it’s unnerving when not working with a doc who isn’t supportive, but am sure Dr. S. will help to put your mind at rest. He’s probably seen every case-scenario under the sun by now. 🙂


    First Michelle. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You were a wonderful caregiver and I am sure your Mom is helping you heal. I had no idea you had lost your mom. I would have written sooner.

    Thanks Maz for all of your knowledge and support. Will Dr S advise as to a probiotic? I was very lucky to find the source of the infection. I had a PD nurse that tried to treat me in clinic. She almost killed me.


    @jeanann wrote:

    First Michelle. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You were a wonderful caregiver and I am sure your Mom is helping you heal. I had no idea you had lost your mom. I would have written sooner.

    Thank you! It’s one of those things where you don’t really want those who are going through what she went through to know about. It tends to scare people or make them sad or stressed and we all know that is not good for Lyme/Scleroderma or any AI disease. God has his timing for everyone. My mom’s time came. She is definitely helping me heal, it’s been slow and very rough – I miss her so much. My life is not the same at all and there’s a huge hole in my heart. But i am ok. xxoo


    My husband was hospitalized in a coma 21 months ago and went into multisystem organ failure from staph and pneumonia. He lost his use of his kidneys and was on dialysis. The hospital docs all FREAKED about his mino and took him off. I was advised here to think about doxy, and more specifically Doryx. Doing quick Merck Manual research, I found that what was freaking the docs out is Mino is processed thru the kidneys at about 30 % and supposedly Doxy doesn’t do kidneys, it’s mostly processed in the gut. So, we got him out of the hospital and away from them, and put him on Doryx…he has complete kidney recovery.

    I don’t know if this will help.


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