Home Forums General Discussion new to AP—herxing?? Not sure i can handle this!

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    Hi all—
    Well I have been on AP (doxy 100mg M-W-F) for a total of 5 weeks now…and the first month I felt like I was doing so well, had more energy, could do more, just an overall feeling of “betterness”-if that is even a word! And now over last 2-3 days, I have been feeling much worse! Achy all over, flu-like, tired, joints very sore and muscles too, etc…I have been trying to “ignore” it and just keep going as usual but today it really feels YUCKY!! I definitely have not felt this bad in a long time, but it’s not like I’m bedridden or anything, I’m still working and doing my thing. I even felt like worse Monday, then Tuesday a little better (a day I DIDN’T take the doxy) and now Wed I feel worse again. Could that even be possible that the actual day I take the antibiotic it feels worse?? And what are some ways to tell difference between “flare” and “herx”?? Does the herx reaction wax and wane like that? I know, I know, the good news is that must mean the doxy is working on those nasty bugs but hmmm this is HARD!! I guess I thought I would be one of the lucky ones with no reaction, but guess not….is it too soon to be experiencing a herx??? So, any advice from you longtime AP’ers is much appreciated or any support you can offer!! Thanks!!


    I hear you, I wasn’t sure I could do it either. I’m finding remembering taking my antibiotics hard, to be honest. Because I just got pretty busy in my life.

    My advice is to stick with it, and play it like it’s part of life, and accept it. Because, the alternative is a drug that you will become dependent on and it will make you feel / look way worse than these ones.

    Are you detoxing? Infrared Saunaing? (whoa, my spell check didn’t go off, that’s a word?) Detoxing is extremely important in terms of controlling and handling herxheimer reactions. It’s hard to tell the difference between a herx and a flare. But the general consensus is that herxes don’t normally last as long as flares.

    Goodluck! 🙂



    You didn’t say whether you are taking any other medications besides doxycycline. Are you?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    @matv—my “detoxing” so to speak basically consists of just drinking tons of water so far…don’t handle heat too well so not sure if the sauna thing is for me (not to mention I’m not sure where people actually do that) and just afraid and too neurotic (ha!) to try any of other things I’ve read about (i.e coffee enemas, etc..)–I am still exercising (treadmill) 30-40 min a day, and trying to rest more and take good care of myself, eat well, etc…but I’m wondering if I need a lower dose doxy, like maybe 50mg twice a day or something, do they do that?? I know they do sometimes with mino. I’m literally so achy and feel yuck on the actual days I take it, and then next day I feel much better. Is this common??

    @PhilC- yes, i am on a few other things…Nexium in am to protect my stomach–and Naproxen 500 mg twice a day for inflammation etc. Also take fish oil, vit d/calcium, probiotics

    Thanks for any tips—so appreciated!!


    @sissy1smf wrote:

    I’m wondering if I need a lower dose doxy, like maybe 50mg twice a day or something, do they do that?? I know they do sometimes with mino.

    Yes, that’s also done with doxy. Taking 50 mg twice a day MWF might help, but it would probably be only slightly better than taking 100 mg once a day MWF.

    Please read my reply to Tricia for some ideas that may be helpful:

    Of course, you will need to discuss this with your doctor so you can get a prescription for 50 mg capsules (or tablets). You may want to tell your doctor that you are having difficulty tolerating the dose of doxycycline that he/she prescribed and suggest that perhaps 50 mg twice a day MWF might be easier for you to tolerate.

    @sissy1smf wrote:

    I’m literally so achy and feel yuck on the actual days I take it, and then next day I feel much better. Is this common??

    Yes, unfortunately it is. It is a good sign, though, because it is strong evidence that the antibiotic is working.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein

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