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    Thank you so much for posting.  No, I knew immediately that you had not written a SD testimonial for the RBFBB because I have read them all – every word of them.

    It is such a thrill for me to read a “live testimonial” of one of Dr. T.'s early diffuse folks.  It is so wonderful to hear another voice singing so loudly and happily about how AP worked! It is also so comforting to hear that you had dinner with Henry.  His book was so convincing to me.  And then there were the few folks with SD on the boards that knew SD worked or it was working for them – folks like Cheryl, Steve, Cubby, Ritchie, JeffN, Suzanne, Kim, and a few others. 

    So AP here I came, “blasting away at the bastards!”

    I also began reading the testimonials during a recent trip to the Mayo.  How could forty SD folks have such success with AP if it wasn't real? Forty!  And I easily knew of ten more who hadn't yet written their testimonials! Most of these testimony folks have their complete names, phone numbers, and email addresses right there!  You can call them!  You can email them! They are for real!  (As my little boy says, “for reals Daddy!”)  They insist they want to help everyone who has SD and has not yet started AP.  They scream at you to do AP and get your life back!  These testimonials also have many commonalities, and they are totally encouraging!

    Although everyone's SD is different and responds differently to AP, for you SD friends, I can almost guarantee that there is at least one testimonial that will sound like you, and it will be a story of success.


    P.S.  “Blast the Bastards!”


    Diffuse SD since Apr '07
    AP since Feb '08
    100mg Mino twice daily
    Stopped Clindamycin IVs Aug 2019
    "No one should profit over someone else's illness"


    Hi Randy,

    Thanks for replying to some of “my story,” about which I will post more in the near future. 

    It's wonderful to hear that word is spreading and people are getting better! 

    I see in the picture you uploaded by your posts that your hands look GREAT!  Mine are that way although my fingers are still “sausage digits” and I have been told they may remain that way, and my Reynaud's may not go away, which it has not.  But I guess that may be the result of my not having a bona fide diagnosis nor treatment for so many years.  I was thinking about it the other day, and I must have had Lyme/Scleroderma for years, maybe even ten years, before I had any treatment.  You could not get a doctor to give you antibiotics for more than a month at that time, at least not in Pennsylvania where I used to live.  And anyway, they thought I was not sick.  (Can you imagine I was so ill and exhausted I would unload the dishwasher and have to rest for an hour.)  I was so dizzy with Lyme meningitis I could not walk across a room without holding on to the furniture to steady myself.  I slept with a neck brace on and braces on my lower arms/hands, the pain was so bad.  (Sleep is not the right word for it, as when you have meningitis, which I had for about a year, you don't really sleep.)  I felt “viral,” I perspired at night.  I was just very, very sick.  I also acquired a Bell's palsy and when it was very bad there was such noticeable drooping on one side of my face and seemingly constriction on the other.  I still have that, but not nearly as noticeable as when I was in the throes of it.

    Thanks for Dr. T. who is a hero in my eyes, since he was courageous enough to strike out in a new direction from the conventional protocol  used by rheumatologists and try the antibiotics!

    I came to the AP via my husband surfing the web when he found the story by CNN, I think it was, about the first small group of people who were on AP.  Thank God he saw that article!

    Keep up the good work, Randy, and thanks for much for posting here!  I am so happy you are in remission!




    I have a clarification to my post above.  We use the expression “feeling viral” in my family to describe a sickly feeling when you are coming down with an illness, any illness.  I did not mean to imply that I had a virus, per se.


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