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    As a lot of you know … my hubby passed away from septic shock while being in the hospital with SD. I wanted to get the records for educational purposes, because I was hoping that things that happened to him would not happen to anyone else. I pleaded with Dr’s. to try AP…I said “What other choice do we have?”…. but of course they would not listen to me. They pretended to know everything, and nothing about AP. Well they want to charge me $2,661.27 to get the records. That’s crazy for something that belongs to us. With all my medical bills… with out of pocket max $10.000 and the insurance company probably giving them close to 2 million dollars… I’m sure they can turn over the records. What I’m asking is… If there is someone doing SD research that may want those records????… Maybe they can get them and use them to make a difference. Is there anyone that can help me with this?????? I really feel that if a famous so called research hospital would have listened to me before the SD hit the internal organs, that we would still have my Jim. The claimed that they never heard of AP and that was not in their medical training. Then they even tried to call it PCT presenting it’s self as SD. They said we need more tests. Well a licensed herbal Dr DX him a long time before this without even a sample of his blood or anything else. We knew more then them and knew it was SD….but the hospital needed more tests. Meanwhile my husband got sicker….. I will give you my authorization for the records…. if there is someone that can help with finding a way to help others not go through what my husband did. Maybe you can make a difference in everyone elses life with this horrid disease. Thank You


    I’m sorry for your loss, you’re in my thoughts & prayers.
    I wish I could help in another way. Take care,


    Diana, I hear you. I am so sorry that things worked this horrible way. I had kept reading about your husband’s plight and my heart went out to him all along. How I wish it manifested differently!!! So very, very sorry! I do not have the knowledge to help you deal with all the problems that have surfaced, but I do extend my warmest and heart-felt wishes that all his suffering was not in vain and that it somehow benefits all people suffering from this horrible condition! I keep YOU in my prayers, too. I wish I could be of help. Much love, Krys


    Hi Diana,

    I am so sorry for all that you had to go through with your husband. I can hear the pain in your voice, and know that you want to ensure that no one has to suffer that same fate.

    The medical community is protective of their records, and afraid of law suits. Every hospital has an Ombudsman. They are a neutral party, an advocate between the patient and the hospital. My recommendation is to find out the name of the Ombudsman for the hospital, and register your complaints. At minimum, you should be able to get your records.

    There is a great need to get the word out about Scleroderma, and other autoimmune diseases and Antibiotic Therapy. I think you have a voice in spreading that information; we all do. I think you will serve your husband’s memory in your fight to save others.

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