Home Forums General Discussion Need Help Getting a List of Doctors for AP in TN

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    Hi, I’ve recently learned that I have RA with a positive Anti-CCP and I am interested in the antibiotic therapy. Unfortunately when I began the process to get a list of possible doctors, I was interrupted so couldn’t request a list of doctors in TN even though I had entered my name and email name. This evening when I went back to try to complete the process and this time request a list of doctors, I was given the message that I could only make the request once. The problem is that I did not get a chance to request the list of doctors in the first place. From what I can read, now the only way I can get a list is to get help from this forum. Is that right and can anyone help me?
    Jeri in Knoxville, TN


    Hi Jeri,
    I’m sorry that you had trouble with the system!
    I am sending you a private message with the AP doctors in TN. Alternatively, I can email this to you if you provide your email address.
    Let me know if you have further questions and good luck!

    Autoimmune: ANA positive speckled. Probable MCTD with SD overlap. Hashimoto's. Possible Erlos Danlos. Mold Illness.
    Infections: Bartonella, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasma, EBV
    Meds: minocycline (Zydus generic) 100mg 1x daily,
    Supps: digestive enzymes, Monolaurin, Betaine hydrochloric acid, iron, quercetin, biocidin


    Hi, Thanks so much for responding.
    Thanks, Jeri

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