Home Forums General Discussion Need AP Doctor in Atlantic Canada

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    I got a list of Ap doctors from Maz, but the one listed in my area is no longer taking new patients. There is one listed in NB but his phone number doesn’t work and I can’t find him online. Does anyone know of a dr in this area? Thanks

    I have tried for Lyme…minocycline, Cowden protocol, and cannabutter. I’ve had a herx with Folinic acid, magnesium, moducare, xylitol, apple cider vinegar, TADS (adrenal support), activated charcoal, LDN, herbal made by my LLND and a 50 billion probiotic. I have been clinically diagnosed with Bartonella and mycoplasma. My Lyme testing was inconclusive-band 41 was double starred and I had about 4 indefnite…but I was also on cannabutter at the time (a natural antibiotic). I have high reverse T3 and low T


    Hi DMW, I just sent you a Private Message. If you can give me more information there, I might be able to send you a list. There aren’t many doctors in that region that we are aware of, though there are some in Toronto if you can travel there. If you let me know where you’re located and if you can travel (via private message), I will send you a list of doctors. You could also, if you’d prefer, send an email to apdoctorlists@roadback.org with your information, and we can try to help.

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi DMW;
    I did have an Environmental Medicine doctor in Ottawa who gave me prescriptions but she is not doing AP any more.I know the gov. tried to take away her license several times so she might be flying low for a while One of her patients on AP died,not because of AP but because she was too far gone by the time she saw the doc.Her family reported Dr. a to the gov. and all hell broke loose.Last I knew she had a 3 year waiting list.You can Google her Dr. J. A. at the Ottawa XXX Clinic.

    RBFV Edit to remove AP doctor’s name and clinic as per forum guidelines to protect physician privacy.

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