Home Forums General Discussion Need AP Doctor

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    Hey guys I’m very new to this. My daughter was recently diagnosis with systemic scleroderma and I would like to get her AP soon. My problem is I live in Illinois and the doctor in Iowa is currently sick. Could you please recommend A GREAT AP MD. She’s only 11 years old. PLEASE HELP ME


    Hi Lisa,

    Very sorry to hear about your daughter’s recent diagnosis, but you’ve come to the right place! Have you already requested an AP doc list by clicking on the Contact page (top right) and writing to apdoctorlists@roadback.org?

    If not, suggest you do that, first. We are trialing an automated AP doc list system, whereby you can custom-compile a list for yourself by either selecting lists for 3 different states or 2 states and the “most experienced” AP doc list. It’s very easy to follow the step-by-step instructions. If you have any trouble, just come back here and I’d be happy to brainstorm ideas for the best AP doc for your daughter. Also, if you think there may be any history of tickborne illness, there is a separate list for this type of doc, so I can provide that to you as we haven’t begun the automated trial yet for the Lyme Literate MD (LLMD) list. Sometimes, where states are short of AP docs, LLMDs can make an excellent substitute, as they treat many types of chronic infections (not just Lyme).

    Also, the foundation’s president is very kind to talk with parents of kids who have been diagnosed with SD, because she has first-hand experience of this in her own family. So, if you’d like to speak with her directly, I’d be happy to get you connected.

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