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    I am using Celebrex for pain and inflammation and it does take “the edge off”. I don’t like using any NSAID’s because of side effects. Have any of you found a supplement that has similiar antinflammatory properties? Look up online and so many of them, but would like to know which ones are actually working for this lovely group?


    I’ve thought of Celebrex but the cost stops me and the side effects…a drug anti inflammatory had me in the ER with a stomach ulcer many years ago and I worry about these…

    For inflammation, I’ve heard that Turmeric helps a lot, I use turmeric in my topical concoction but don’t take it internally as
    it flares up the old ulcer issue.

    I’ve been using New Zealand Sea Mussels now for over 2 months, not a miracle but it helps I believe.

    MSM in higher doses helps reduce pain for me. I take powder 3 times per day.

    Hylauronic Acid is one of my supps, I take 200mg three times per day….My rheumy mentioned a liquid HA which is Baxel but it’s pretty costly for me. She says the liquid is faster working, I don’t know.

    Keeping off a lot of inflammatory foods helps and keeping more alkaline helps a lot.

    Doesn’t the AP therapy keep inflammation and pain down? I attempted AP some time back but didn’t stay with it, I don’t deal with RA, OA and FM issues. jam


    Antiinflammatory Activity of Melatonin in Central Nervous System from – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3001216/ Amazing stuff helpful in canines & in humans

    Cant remember if it is in this article i think not, but another – i have tons of info on melatonin but it mentions mel. as being also helpful with viruses and bacterias including lyme and of it’s help with the immune. There are conflicting articles saying in a hyper immune state that some rheumatic diseases are – that mel. is contradicted – others say no mel. is a immune modulator – i leave that up to others to decide. Some articles suggest that mel. has been used with Vit. E in trials in italy for being helpful to SD.
    It can take up to 3 to 4 months to see the full effects from melatonin & the amounts suggested most reference only 3 mg’s however canines weighing only 20 lb’s can take 3 to 6 mg’s. Other articles suggest 30 to 60 mgs for a adult human.

    This is albeit a small study – but this link shows one group – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16428927 of course this is a consideration with your doctor’s advise to consider if this could be in addition to AP.

    This snippet tails off this link of the melatonin study in dopamine regulation and the adrenals and cortisol production – “The link between microadenomas, hypothalamic function, and autoimmunity offers a rich field in which to explore the effects of dopamine and the hypothalamus on the immune system. It appears that SLE, scleroderma, and possibly other autoimmune diseases may share defects in dopamine regulation that reflect basic abnormalities in neuroendocrine regulation’. – from – http://www.jrheum.com/subscribers/06/06/1036.html

    And how LDN regulates dopamine is in this link below. In addition to also melatonin- which melatonin is known in vet circles for addressing a hyper state of cortisol production – Pioneered by a endochronologist Dr Jack Oliver at UTK vet school – what my dog has a problem with that melatonin helps her with – I found i have the same problem in high cortisol and adrenals shown by testing for both of us – working too hard – both can lead over time to what the world calls autoimmune diseases of various expressions – she & I both put on weight – now that we are addressing this with melatonin we are shedding the excess weight finally.
    My hope is that we can help along with AP to reduce inflammation of which I have plenty of showing in markers in a attempt to fix the problem and in rounding out our regime in trying to use safer helps.
    LDN also helps to lower inflammation & to regulate the immune.

    Jill SD Lyme & Bartonella


    Hi Laura,

    Did you manage to get re-started on your AP again? Noticed in your sig line that you were only taking LDN but thinking of going back on mino.

    The major cause of pain in RA is inflammatory cytokines, which hypersensitize joints and surrounding tissues to cause swelling, the rush of neutrophils to the area and damaging enzymes. In effect, the damage is oxidative in nature, caused by free-radical actions. So, anything one can do to lower free-radicals in the body using anti-oxidative methods can only help, whether the inflam is due to flaring or herxing.

    Are you doing anything to help your body detox? Are you eating an anti-inflammatory diet?

    How are you finding the LDN? Some people get a lot of benefit from it, though it does seem to work in a purely palliative sense to modulate immune function. I, unfortunately, had minimal success with it and stopped after 10 months of use. I got a little relief at the time, but wound up with tremors in the night, so had to stop it. My LLMD said this side-effect wasn’t unusual – perhaps more amongst Lymies?

    Some other supps in addition to the good ones mentioned by posters above that may help in your researches are: non-denatured whey protein, NAC, milk thistle, ALA, grapeseed extract, tumeric, krill oil, astaxanthin, boswellia serrata, systemic enzymes, etc. For myself, I’ve kept my focus on detoxification – anything that promotes glutathione production in the liver but also anything anti-oxidative, like high dose vitamin C. The latter two work in unison with one another and I do IV Myer’s Cocktails and glutatione IV pushes on a regular basis. These have been amazing for me in reducing inflam and toxic load.


    Hi…. I notice that the spice Turmeric has already been mentioned here. I see a nutritionist who told me to use 1 teas turmeric powder dissolved in either full cream milk/rice milk/almond milk/soy milk morning and night. I use rice milk myself. You then must warm it in microwave to about 40degrees as the turmeric requires heating in oil based product in order for the body to assimilate it. The nutritionist bases his belief in the spice in research which you can find on the net. Perhaps if you google turmeric and anti-inflammatory to gather more information!….. I believes it works for me…
    all the best


    Michele’s products look good but ONLY SOLD thru MD’s offices….I find the products in MD”s offices SO PRICEY…they seem to do a good mark up, my findings anyway. I use high doses of MSM powder which I had heard from some here a long time ago.

    THe latest thing is 1 tsp of grape seed oil on an empty stomach for 7 days and then 1/2 t thereafter…this was from a home remedy site and suggested for RA and joint issues in general……OIL is critical and vital. I’m going to try the grape seed oil cold pressed soon as I get a new bottle. I take 200mg grape seed ex three times per day as it is, been taking grape seed a long time…..


    Hi Jammin,
    My MD asks that I take those sups, but I do buy them online at places like PureFormula, Vitacost, Amazon, etc. I am tired of the supplement bill, however.


    Michele, does Vitacost sell the 2 you mention? I use them for MOST of my supps…jam


    Hi Maz,

    I always appreciate how thorough and dedicated you are to helping others. It is obvious on so many levels, but especially by the thought, concern and time you put into your responses! I actually just re-started 100mg mino MWF just last week. Other suppliments I am on are 5MTHF, digestive enzymes with food, just started Wobenzyme 3 weeks ago between meals (blood work determined I have “thick blood” and high fiberin levels although I don’t really know what that has to do with RA), low dose milk thistle (higher doses make me swell up), Sacro-b, probiotic. It’s really weird because almost anything I take that you mentioned such as Vit C, whey protein, grapeseed extract, turmeric, fish oil, astaxian and more make me swell. I started a very low dose of super quality MSM as directed by my doctor and that made me swell just the other day. It is soooo frustrating because I think I am doing good for my body and it reacts negatively by increasing inflammation and pain! I know I need to detox and have tried even homeopathic remedies from my doctor and the side effects are almost not tolerable. Could I have a detox pathways problem here? What can be done? I am just so super ultra sensitive to meds and suppliments. I wish my body would just chill out!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


    grape seed ex will help with the thick blood issues….I’m taking 200mg three times per day now for the last yrs or so…I don’t have thick blood but this dose “feels” good for me at my late date.

    wish I could take turmeric as I hear a lot of good things about it RE; inflammation…..but it flares up an old ulcer area and so I have to avoid it.

    I’m working toward trying Doxy again at 100mg WMF and hopefully get a script this afternoon and aim toward a 3-month course and go from there….


    @lrobertson wrote:

    I always appreciate how thorough and dedicated you are to helping others. It is obvious on so many levels, but especially by the thought, concern and time you put into your responses! I actually just re-started 100mg mino MWF just last week. Other suppliments I am on are 5MTHF, digestive enzymes with food, just started Wobenzyme 3 weeks ago between meals (blood work determined I have “thick blood” and high fiberin levels although I don’t really know what that has to do with RA), low dose milk thistle (higher doses make me swell up), Sacro-b, probiotic. It’s really weird because almost anything I take that you mentioned such as Vit C, whey protein, grapeseed extract, turmeric, fish oil, astaxian and more make me swell. I started a very low dose of super quality MSM as directed by my doctor and that made me swell just the other day. It is soooo frustrating because I think I am doing good for my body and it reacts negatively by increasing inflammation and pain! I know I need to detox and have tried even homeopathic remedies from my doctor and the side effects are almost not tolerable. Could I have a detox pathways problem here? What can be done? I am just so super ultra sensitive to meds and suppliments. I wish my body would just chill out!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Hi Laura,

    As you’re just getting back on your mino, presumably you will likely be heading into a period of herxing. This could ramp up the hypersensitivity for a while and, if you’re having trouble with detoxification (and sounds like this might be what is happening…but I’m not a medical person ๐Ÿ˜‰ ), then it would be a good idea to just wait and see how you go, first with the re-introduction of the mino for a few weeks. If things go along fairly steadily with tolerable herxing, then it might be good to look into alternative methods for detoxing at that stage, such as FIR saunas to try and sweat out some of that extra fluid (checking with your doc first, of course). I wouldn’t buy a sauna in your situation until you know how you’re going to react, but if you can manage one or two short sessions okay, then thinking about purchasing one may be a helpful way to go.

    The sticky blood is a direct result of proteins (fibrin) in the clotting cascade, which are increased as a result of inflammation. The inflam narrows blood vessels, increases pressure on the vascular system and slows circulation and the blood (platelets) just gets sticker as a result. It seems like a positive sign that you’re tolerating digestive enzymes, because this means it’s likely you’ll be able to tolerate systemic enzymes, which (if you are not taking a prescription blood-thinner) will help to thin out the blood. A great one I have used is called “Neprinol,” but there is also Serrakor-NK, both of which are quite expensive, unfortunately. The enzymes in these can be bought separately, though. You’ll find info on how these systemic enzymes work here:


    Your doc may want you on a prescription blood-thinner, but if so then you should not take anything else (including aspirin) that may thin your blood further. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Other products, like MSM also work by thinning blood, so important to be sure to check which supps may interact with any anti-coagulant meds you may be prescribed.

    Another thing you could try would be something like deep-tissue or lymphatic massage. This can cause a significant amount of herxing, so worth knowing this in advance. It can, however, help to move out excess fluid from the body.

    Drinking lots of water and the lemon/olive oil detox drink should also help to detox and lower swelling. Strangely, the more water we drink, the less swelling…go figure!

    Ensuring bowels are moving normally every day is important (70% of immune system in the shape of lymphoid tissue) is in the gut and slow peristalsis results in re-circulation of toxins. Coffee enemas can reduce inflam pretty quickly, if there is a bowel overgrowth causing symptoms, but the coffee has also been said to stimulate the liver to produce glutathione (doesn’t do this when drinking coffee).

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (aka HBOT) also helps to push toxins out of tissues and helps to reduce swelling…it’s an expensive therapy, but worth it if it can be afforded. Can also cause significant herxing as anerobic bugs do not like this therapy.

    Some of the supps you’ve tried already that have increased your symptoms are known to cause herxing and to break up bio-films, so it’s possible you’re reacting in a very normal way, but if you are unable to detox properly, these are just recirculating around and around in your body.

    These are just a few more ways that you can research to help with detoxing, Laura. I hope something here will help, as if you can get your body to detox a little easier, then the herxing (and flaring) will be alot easier to handle, preventing rising hypersensitivity (excessive antigen circulating and binding to antibodies in immune complexes, as described by Brown). Leaky gut can be a problem in these types of situations, so working on gut healing, too, should help. I would start with trying to find a method or methods that work best for detoxification and working on reducing that fibrin, first, and then get going on ways to heal my gut.

    Hope something here might help, anyway. Let us know how you get on, Laura.

    PS. I recall my LLMD telling me that he disliked NSAIDS, like Celebrex, because they worked via oxidation, which is one of the reasons why the gut becomes inflamed and ulcerated by these drugs. He researched it pretty extensively, because he was suffering from a serious back problem and was taking heavy pain meds, himself. He was adamant that anyone on these drugs needed to be using anti-oxidative supps…and that was quite something from this doc who was always pretty allopathic! ๐Ÿ˜†


    When I eat just greens it gets me out of a flare. Its not a supplement but it helps my RA get under control.
    Take care.

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