Home Forums General Discussion Muscle weakness on Doxycycline

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    Does anyone else experience muscle weakness on doxy? My rheumy has sent me to pt for 6 weeks. I know before i started it I had muscle weakness. So there is really no way to know if the doxy has contributed to it or not. It is a generalized weakness, but my upper body…shoulders/arms are the most affected. But oddly enough, it was weakness before pain when this all began. My left arm got the shakes before any muscle/joint pain. Is this normal?

    DR4/DQ8 HLA, bio toxin illness
    Flare fall of 2014...muscle aches, joint pains, fatigue, hair loss, rashes
    Positive RA factor was 71 in January 2015 down to 28 as of September 2016
    IGG food allergies wheat, egg, dairy
    supplements: C and D, probiotics, milk thistle, Turmeric, cod liver oil, methyl b 12 & folate, digestive enzymes, Moducare, chlorella, berberine, LDN, monolaurin, Triphala, Patriot Greens
    MTHFR compound heterozygous
    Igenex IGM Lyme positive
    Minocycline 100 BID MWF


    I don’t think it’s doxy causing it. Muscle weakness is just part of the disease process for some people. The severity of weakness waxes and wanes over time and is always worse when flaring. I had bouts of severe weakness long before I had a positive ANA and decades before I was prescribed doxy and I still have them when I experience a flare up of autoimmune symptoms in general.

    Just be patient. Physical therapy will definitely help. Just don’t push yourself too hard — treat your body gently, listen to it, and back off on physical activity if it seems to be hurting instead of helping.



    @Spiffy wrote:

    Does anyone else experience muscle weakness on doxy?

    I did. When I was on doxy, my husband had to help me go to the bathroom because my legs got too weak.

    Take care,

    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Hi Spiffy,

    Can you share your diagnosis? Has doc tested your CPK level?


    I appreciate everyone’s thoughts. So much of what we do seems like a big guessing game. I am definitely staying on the twice a day doxy until I can discuss my case. I am seeing Dr. W. In Annapolis on Feb. 18th. I would see Dr. B. But he is across the Bay Bridge which I do not like driving over. However, if things do not work out with Dr. W. I will switch. I wonder if Minocin has this same side effect?

    Maz, my aldolase was 3.6 and my CK was 39. Still within the normal range. I was very surprised. I thought my muscles had been completely eaten up. I will be retested for everything in March. The lowest range for ck is 29 so I am barely hanging in there!
    She tested me for over 70 things. The concerning ones were the ra factor at 71. The ANA at 1:40 speckled. Low lymphs at 684…should be at least 850. My glucose was slightly high but I had drank an Ensure before the draw. She said to ignore that. Had 1 plus for ketones but I feel that this is bc I quickly lost 12 pounds due to stress and worry over my symptoms. My crp is less than 1 and my sed rate was 2. My ccp was 16. It is supposed to be 20 or less. Everything would be just peachy if I could lose that pesky little ra factor and Slight ANA, but they sure have turned my life upside down!

    My lyme test was positive for bands 18 kd (iGG) and 41 kd (iGG). My doc has not officially diagnosed me with anything. She is just waiting on more symptoms/patterns/ bloodwork in March.

    DR4/DQ8 HLA, bio toxin illness
    Flare fall of 2014...muscle aches, joint pains, fatigue, hair loss, rashes
    Positive RA factor was 71 in January 2015 down to 28 as of September 2016
    IGG food allergies wheat, egg, dairy
    supplements: C and D, probiotics, milk thistle, Turmeric, cod liver oil, methyl b 12 & folate, digestive enzymes, Moducare, chlorella, berberine, LDN, monolaurin, Triphala, Patriot Greens
    MTHFR compound heterozygous
    Igenex IGM Lyme positive
    Minocycline 100 BID MWF

    Linda L

    Is CPK level same as creatinine level /norm here 40-80/?
    Have you been taking Prednisone often in the past and how much?
    Linda L.

    RA tried everything: Methotraxate, Arava, Humira. Pneumonia three times. Anemia. Very low iron. Hypothyroidism
    AP from April 2014 till August 2015. No luck.
    Current medications: Natural thyroid, Mobic, supplements,
    vitamins and minerals.
    MTHFR heterozygous


    Linda, I have not been on any meds but doxy. This morning I am reading that one of its side effects is lupus. Hmmmmmm.

    DR4/DQ8 HLA, bio toxin illness
    Flare fall of 2014...muscle aches, joint pains, fatigue, hair loss, rashes
    Positive RA factor was 71 in January 2015 down to 28 as of September 2016
    IGG food allergies wheat, egg, dairy
    supplements: C and D, probiotics, milk thistle, Turmeric, cod liver oil, methyl b 12 & folate, digestive enzymes, Moducare, chlorella, berberine, LDN, monolaurin, Triphala, Patriot Greens
    MTHFR compound heterozygous
    Igenex IGM Lyme positive
    Minocycline 100 BID MWF

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