Home Forums General Discussion Much points to low Vit D being fungal related…

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    Over and over for the past few years, we keep reading posts and articles about those with chronic illness having abnormally low Vitamin D — even when our diets are good and we are consuming good forms of Vitamin D foods.
    Over the past year or two, I’ve read on an especially knowledgeable site on this subject, that chronic fungal disease is at the bottom of these abnormal Vitamin D levels.

    My current favorite doctor/writer, who writes a column in a free monthly newsletter, is helping to further educate me. The reason for my avid interest in this subject is because of the way my own chronic illness began, the serious condition found after two years of constant abx for 10 days, about every 3 to 4 months. No obvious signs gave me clues that this had resulted in systemic yeast/fungal overgrowth. I finally was told by a new friend to read one of Dr. William Crook’s books, and there it all was. It was then treated over the course of 4 months with Diflucan, diet, and other supplements … and I “assumed” that part of my chronic illness had been addressed. Now, years later, I know/have learned that such a condition can linger undetected and do much damage, as this condition can greatly weaken the immune system and make you vulnerable to all kinds of medical problems, including 10 years of radiological scans that look like cancer.

    In the article just read, a patient presented with these medical conditions: “Diabetes type 2, Psoriasis (autoimmune disease), Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Prostate Cancer, Arthritis, and Chronic fungal disease with dysbiosis.” The writer asks: What do all of these conditions have in common? Fungal disease. The doctor/writer listed the Chronic fungal disease at the bottom of the list, but said in truth it is the only medical problem this patient has…. that all of the other conditions are signs and symptoms of chronic fungal disease. In closing the article, she wrote: “Which brings us back to our original question: Which came first, fungal infection or vitamin D deficiency? Fungal infection!”

    I’ve never read as many articles by any single writer/physician before that explained better my own beliefs about the possibilities of yeast fungal overgrowth being at the bottom of so much chronic illness. And, the majority of our medical establishment seems not to have even been taught about this in medical school. Such a scenario, during my first two years of chronic illness, with the constant 10 days of abx, and never being cautioned and counseled about probiotics, etc. was… in my opinion … the major cause of my own long journey on this long road back.

    Am posting the link to this doctor’s article. There are many of her articles archived in this same monthly newsletter, if any of you would care to read/learn more about signs and symptoms that may point to involvement in your own illnesses. There’s a place to sign up for this free newsletter. [Once you open the link, scroll down a little way, and on the right side of the screen is the referenced article.]




    AF, thanks as always for sharing your research finds!

    I was interested to also learn of Dr. F’s research, which the foundation had become aware of a few years ago, but to which Nancy re-drew my attention recently. I think I may have emailed this radio show to you a couple weeks ago, but Dr. F’s description of how fungus/candida becomes wrapped up in the whole bio-film mess is quite enlightening and may actually be taking research in this field a step further:


    Excerpted from the Better Health Guy blog:

    “Dr. F. is doing some exciting work on a new biofilm-forming protozoan previously referred to as FL1953 and only recently renamed to Protomyxozoa rheumatica, a highly immunosuppressive microorganism. He refers to it as the premier pathogen.”

    I’d highly recommend that anyone listen to this program, which is just under an hour long. Dr. F. is referring to protomyxozoa rheumatica as the “premier” pathogen, which exerts its influence on the body in the shape of bio=film. Once this organism is treated, he believes candida/fungus is released from bio-film and no longer a chronic problem with an improved functioning immune system. Pretty interesting!

    A Friend

    Maz, your reply is very interesting as well! (Just discovered earlier today that things seems to be working on the RBFBB again. I’ve missed it and all of you.) I’m looking forward to listening to the radio program link below. Thanks to you and Nancy for sharing it with us. (Just when we think we’ve read/heard all there is new, along comes some more dramatic and important information. Can we be so naive as to believe some of the doctors/scientists may be encouraged by the perseverance of all of the rheumatic patients on the several dedicated web sites who are plodding along and “persist” on finding answers and getting better, if not well?) 😆
    More later, after I hear the program. AF

    @Maz wrote:

    AF, thanks as always for sharing your research finds!

    I was interested to also learn of Dr. F’s research, which the foundation had become aware of a few years ago, but to which Nancy re-drew my attention recently. I think I may have emailed this radio show to you a couple weeks ago, but Dr. F’s description of how fungus/candida becomes wrapped up in the whole bio-film mess is quite enlightening and may actually be taking research in this field a step further:


    Excerpted from the Better Health Guy blog:

    “Dr. F. is doing some exciting work on a new biofilm-forming protozoan previously referred to as FL1953 and only recently renamed to Protomyxozoa rheumatica, a highly immunosuppressive microorganism. He refers to it as the premier pathogen.”

    I’d highly recommend that anyone listen to this program, which is just under an hour long. Dr. F. is referring to protomyxozoa rheumatica as the “premier” pathogen, which exerts its influence on the body in the shape of bio=film. Once this organism is treated, he believes candida/fungus is released from bio-film and no longer a chronic problem with an improved functioning immune system. Pretty interesting!


    Hi AF,

    One thing that occurred to me about Dr F’s research is that the agents used to target P. rheumatica, like Alinia, may actually promote what appears to be an overt candida infection. We often hear of folk here having to take anti-candida meds once treated with these anti-parasitics, like flagyl and tinidazole, too. So, I am wondering if these meds, by targeting P. rheumatica and breaking down bio-films, may actually just be releasing fungus that is holed up in bio-film? In other words, it’s already there as a chronic hidden infection, but by opening the door to the cage (the bio-film), the candida is released?

    Think I will put this one to my new LLMD and see what he thinks….


    Fascinating thread. I am taking alinia and in my last colon cleanses white chaff was released. Doc said that was yeast coming out. I also take urosidiol to stimulate bile flow.. If I understand correctly.


    Great, helpful post, thanks again, but you never told us…..did you ever go back for antibiotic treatment????

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