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    Hello all,
    I have a question maybe someone can help me with….

    I saw my kinesiologist almost 2wks ago & when she tested me for milk thistle my body indicated that it would like some!!!!

    She advised I call & check with my rheumy before proceeding, but my rheumy’s on hol…. I declined the offer to talk to the other rheumatologist because I know he doesn’t agree with supps (last time we discussed this he said supps are unproven & could lead to organ failure & possible death!!!!)

    So… is it ok to take milk thistle whilst on MTX? As far as I know my liver is ok, I haven’t been told otherwise from the hospital.

    Any help would be much appreciated.



    ummm how can supplements lead to organ failure and death? that dude sounds like a dick who shouldnt be practicing medicine!


    Hey, I recently started mtx and last week when I saw my AP doc I asked him if I could take milk thistle with mtx and he said yes that it was fine. Now I have not asked my rheumatologist but I am taking both based on my AP doc giving the ok. Hopevthat helps. Joann


    Thank you both for your replies…..

    Joann, I kinda thought it would be ok, I’ve been reading RA forums for a long time now & I can’t remember reading of there being an issue. My kinesiologist was just covering all bases. After all, our liver needs all the help it can get whilst on MTX!!!

    Gordbentley, I agree, what a pathetic thing to say. I couldn’t even be bothered to respond when he first went into one about supps….. his remarks were almost as good as my GP’s when I saw her a few years back…. after recapping on a couple of details ie. do you drink? “no”…. do you smoke? “no”…. her reply was…. “what a boring life”!!!!! I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say!!!

    And they wonder why people try alternative therapies……

    thanks again



    not drinking i could agree with on being boring, however i dont get drunk. prolly 3-5 drinks total a week. smoking on the other hand im sadly addicted to and im trying my best to quit its just really hard! dont ever smoke no matter how bored you are. ive smoked since i was 12! im 24 now 😯


    I didn’t start my ‘boring life’ until I was 26….. that was when I gave up on the cigs, which I too had been puffing on since I was about 12!!! & i also cut back on my alcohol consumption considerably.
    I guess that stage of my life was just coming to a natural end.

    Quiting smoking was pretty easy for me, I enjoyed it less & less….. if you really think about what you are doing when smoking, it’s quite off putting!!!!! I dunno, it’s easy for me to say, I haven’t had a craving since….. that was 16 years ago!!!!


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