Home Forums General Discussion M. Pneumonia test results interpretation

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    I just received some test results back for the mycoplasma pneumonia tests. This is the best I could do with my local immunologist, in terms of mycoplasma testing before starting the AP. It may have value, it may not.

    Mycoplasma Pneumonia:
    Antibody Blood (IGG): 2.31 (Positive)
    Antibody Blood (IGM): 172 (Negative)
    DNA PCR Sputum: Non detected

    I don’t remember if I had pneumonia in my childhood. I do remember that I felt sick around 6 years ago and that I picked up a cough, which hang around for 4 months before residing. Could this have been ‘walking pneumonia’. (Test for Strep was negative at docters office). How long would the IGG be positive? Could this be related to my RA? and is this an extra motivation to continue the AP? I am on AP now for 3 weeks and will have Clindy IV next week. So far, as expected, no improvements. If anyone has some ideas, please let me know.

    Thanks a lot and best regards!



    Hi Were you tested for m. pneumonia or m.pneumonaie –theres a difference —


    IGM antibodies from what I can see indicate current infection –while IGG antibodies indicate a previous exposure —
    From what I can read looks like a negative test for current infection —


    M. pneumoniae. Good catch. Thanks. Yes I was wondering if the IGG antibody stay in in your systems for a long time. Like said, i have had this longterm cough six years ago and that is the period where my health started to detoriate. My RA started only a year+ ago.


    I also have a question about this test. I have SD but my RF was at a titer 40 which is new. I do have RA symptoms. I generally test negative when given blood tests for things. My m.pneumoniae came back at 200. I am not sure what this means. To me, it is significant that it showed up at all. My doctor indicated that I am at the beginning of SD. Thank you for any light you can shed on this. Is there a link between RA and m.pneumoniae?


    Hi 1:40 is considered a low titer not indicative of RA –what scleroderma symptoms do you have ???



    I have the curling of the hands and tightening of skin around the mouth (as noted by Dr. S.). I also have the gastro things that go with the diffuse. My GI guy was very helpful in getting me a diagnosis. Joint pain, limited range of motion, limited fine motor skills and of course brain fog.


    Hi In addition to the med you got to help things along —keep working your fingers –keep flexing them -here is a good excercise
    Have each finger touch the tip of your thumb in order==pinky to thumb and so on –this helps flexibility do both hands at least 10 mins a hand –mouth- open as wide as possible hold for 10–20 seconds repeat 10 times also flex mouth so you feel your neck tighten again 10 times –start once a day and work up –it helps until med starts working –remember this is a long haul -it took three years for my fingers to straighten —

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