Home Forums General Discussion Lyme Disease Antibodies, Nanotubes and new test

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    Dont know if this has been posted, but I thought it might be of interest to others.


    Happy Easter…..


    GREAT NEWS. GOOD WORK!!!! There will be alot of red faced doctors,


    Thanks, Suzy! Looks like a newly published article and haven’t seen this newly developed test being shared yet anywhere else. Great find!

    I think the last statement really says it all:

    “The first thought is that if you detect any protein coming from the Lyme organism in your blood, you are infected and should get treatment right away.”

    Isn’t this interesting??? If a person gets just one antibody band reactive to a single borrelia antigen on standard testing, the test is considered negative (must have 5 bands positive to meet CDC standards!). However, with this new test (which sadly may never make it to the market, because of political blockades on competitors), they are saying that if any borrelial protein is detected, a person should get immediate treatment. Well, well, well…wonders will never cease, eh? 🙄


    Interesting indeed Maz…this bears keeping an eye on the ensuing developments. Would love to see this test blow a giant hole in the Lyme debacle and put an end to the denying medical est. (Red faced Doctors and All)@DD2

    Take Care… Suzy

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