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    Does anyone know anything about Hypothermic treatment for full blown Lyme disease. I am told it is available in Germany at a high cost. Any thoughts/comments on this would be appreciated.


    @gbaker wrote:

    Does anyone know anything about Hypothermic treatment for full blown Lyme disease. I am told it is available in Germany at a high cost. Any thoughts/comments on this would be appreciated.

    Hi Gwen,

    Yes, I’ve heard of cryotherapy for RA and other AI diseases, such as MS.


    However, the concern I’d have in the case of SD or Raynaud’s, for instance, is that it could cause worsening of circulation, digital ulcerations, and generally bringing down the core temperature in someone who probably already has severe problems with body temp regulation. According to the literature in the link above, cryotherapy is supposed to increase circulation and deactivate collagenase…the enzyme that breaks down joints. It’s not clear to me how this might do the same for someone with SD. Do you have any more info on this specifically for SD? Just my fellow patient take, but in the case of SD/Lyme, it may be better investing in a portable FIR sauna for home, because the Lyme bugs hate deep penetrating infrared heat. My LLMD really encouraged me to invest in one and I’m so glad I did! 😀

    This is a fascinating therapy, Gwen, I agree. People are using it out in CA for skin rejuvenation purposes. Apparently, Demi Moore goes for regular treatments to maintain her youthful looks.


    Thank you for that Maz….. I’m not considering this treatment for my SD but have heard of this for those with Lyme. I ask about it because I read a story about a young Aussie girl who had her lyme disease diagnosed in the States as its not a recognized disease here in Australia – you can count the number of Doctors on one hand who will even entertain Lyme as a diagnosis….. Her parents are now raising money to send her to Germany for the treatment. I was told by a naturopath that I do have lyme along with my SD but I have yet to be tested. I have heard that the treatment is very dangerous and must be done with great caution…..

    I will look into the portable sauna that you suggest as I get Reynauds real bad….. winter is around the corner and am dreadding it.

    Thanks again for your swift reply and for the site you gave



    I picture someone turning blue LOL but this principle is used in concentrated areas of the body in cryosurgery, to regnerate normal cells from cancer or precancerous cells – it sometimes works, but if the root cause is not changed, the cancer cells can come back.

    This idea is being touted by some doc’s on a much smaller less colder scale – that they suggest that cold can be healing to the body – the idea is you take a hot shower but then turn the water to totally cold this helps the body reset & is supposed to be good for the adrenals & helps your metabolism i use this smaller scale version & believe it or not it has never caused me to go blue. I feel better more energized for doing so I usually feel like crud if I do a hot or warm shower afterwards in feeling sluggish, but if I finish with the cold shower I feel invigorated. It’s not quite the same thing but the point, being is temperatures both warm & cold have a place. It’s like jumping into a unheated pool at 1st you feel cold but you feel also refreshed.

    When it comes to Lyme I suspect it likes a certain temperature level of too cold or too hot, both I feel could well be harmful to Lyme. Whether cold puts Lyme just into dormacy or kills it is the question.

    As to SD it’s a hard call, as I doubt many doc’s have experience with this method in treating a SD patient to know for sure. But if they are claiming the cold kills the lyme, it could be as it seems to only attach to warm blooded animals – I have never heard of a snake getting Lyme.

    Germany has some of the leading medicine for sure- I had a back surgery artificial disc replacement in Germany & stayed in their hospital there some of our American doc’s have gone over to learn from them & some have stayed. I am impressed by some of the doc’s minds over there. Dr K. who is a LLMD & a pretty sharp cookie – he is from Germany & his methods encompass from around the world including Germany. My doc is considered by any top spine surgeon here to be the top spine doc in the world.

    Jill SD, Lyme CPn Candida & Babesia crazy huh


    Thank you Jill for your input. I never fail to be impressed by the knowledge and those who share their experience on this site.

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