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    I have a questions for the lyme warriors. What are the trends in Babesia blood test results as one goes through treatment?

    My Babesia WA1 lab test results were going down during the first 4-5 months of treatment. I’m 10 months into treatment and feel about 80% better BUT my lab work went back up sky high to the point where we started. Doc said today that the IgG reads not only the live antibodies but the dead ones. That it’s quite possible for the blood results to spike as the liver flushes and coffee enemas stirs them up. Has anyone else had this experience? πŸ˜• (As I write this my DH said that she took 3 vials of blood from each of us today to send to another lab that is more specific for live Babesia, so I suppose next month we’ll find out more specific information.)

    Secondly, Doc warned that I am reaching the point in treatment where I should expect some major emotional crisis / experience. If I start having personality changes or begin acting differently that it is a normal part of recovery. Has anyone already experienced this? This is quite a ride this lyme rollercoaster. 😯

    Thanks for any insight to this.



    Hi Michele,

    My LLMD didn’t re-run my specific Lyme tests, although he’s diligent about monitoring normal labs, so I can’t comment on your Babs IgG spiking.

    Now, as far as the “personality changes” probably better to ask the spouses. πŸ˜† I’m sure my husband would give you an eye-roll and say I’ve been less than charming at times. πŸ˜‰ Let us know if we need to do a Roadback intervention. πŸ˜†

    Take care…..kim


    Hi Michele,

    Isn’t it comforting to know you may have some emotional breakdown in the near future…. πŸ˜† ? Just what you want to hear!!!

    I don’t have any information on babesia testing, because we have not done further babesia testing. I guess the proof is that you’re 80%, and that’s what matters!

    I”ve been on the lyme roller coaster for fourteen months, and honestly I have to stay it’s been a bumpy but steady ride upward. As far as the emotional episodes, I can’t say I’ve experienced any mood or emotional changes, and we’ve been mainly treating babesia. I was warned that Mepron could cause depression, and Lariam could cause psychotic episodes. Knock-on-wood, so far have had none of this.

    I guess LLMD’s have to prepare us for whatever may happen… :mrgreen:


    Hi Kim and Nancy,

    I think I needed a RoadBack intervention in those pre-RA depression days. That was amazingly difficult. When I mentioned what Kim said to my DH he reminded me that was my most unsettling time. Though I’m wondering if my split personality will go away during this emotional crisis. I will miss my other self. πŸ˜†

    Nancy, if your LLMD doesn’t check your labs for Babesia, I wonder why mine has checked them every month. She does a lot of blood tests every month and the Babesia is always one of them. I guess evidence based docs want their evidence. Ironically, she said that she doesn’t need to do a CD57 test because all that proves is that I’m sick. She can see I’m still sick, and doesn’t need a CD57 test to show her that. Umm….wonder why she runs the Babesia every month. I need that emoticon where the little smiley smacks it’s head against a wall. πŸ˜‰ Do you think your doc will eventually run those labs again?

    I have not gone the Mepron avenue yet. Larium was not a problem for me. I loved the psychotic episodes and my LLMD is my best dealer. πŸ˜† Very much kidding here…fortunately Larium was not a problem and I tolerated it fine. I think when I took it on a Sunday the “healing crisis” or “herx” was always on a Wednesday. That pattern seemed to emerge. My detox system is really dysfunctional so doc is hoping to use herbals and other meds to hopefully avoid Mepron. She’s really working to clear my liver for the past months. I’ve done a liver flush monthly. I could start a whole separate thread about those experiences. I have wondered if the Babesia isn’t cleared and she feels she has removed the sludge from my liver that she will attempt Mepron. She’s not very consistent. I don’t know if all Docs are so inconsistent in their approach, but I am getting more than a little un-nerved by this LLMD’s inconsistencies and it’s why I asked about the Babesia IgG in the first place.

    Thanks for chiming in here!

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