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    Hi Everyone!!!

    I’m not here much because my RA is doing soooo well. Pretty much gone. I’m still carefully monitored by my doctor and am on a combination of Minocin and Clindy.

    Today on a regular visit, he suggested I try a new maintenance treatment, low dose naltrexone. Here is the website he pointed me to: http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org. Has anyone every heard of this?

    I’ve had RA since 2004 and went on a hell of a trip until I found this site and my doctor. I’m a little scared to change and he did say I didn’t have to but he found this was a better lifelong choice.



    Of course. If you do a search on here u will find many references – I think many of us employ if we do LDN with AP as I do. I would not be willing to only put my hope into LDN alone but it is a good immune modulator along with AP but LDN cant fix infection based issues.

    Jill SD, Lyme & CPn


    I gave it a good 6 months try, never got beyond 2.5mg and at that point I got horrible muscle pains….

    I had one nice day of a good feeling and that was it, I think it was the first day….I started with .5mg.

    Had some nasty side effects, including some horrible sleep, ended up taking the LDN in the morning and horrific
    constipation at a point….

    But I gave it 6 months and had to quit. I took this for OA and FM…

    But if you can make it work for you, do it. Many I believe do good with it and some struggle a lot.


    He wants to take me totally off any antibiotics.

    I’ve also recently become a Reiki II healer and that’s been an amazing journey too.



    Good for you, I didn’t think people need to be abx forever, right.

    The author of the Infection Connection book, when I met her had been on abx for 8 months and then off it and was pretty healed….I’ve lost contact with her, so don’t know how she’s doing.

    Reiki has interested me, but I’ve never followed it. My sister was fortunate to have a next door neighbor who was a Reiki healer and my sis had some treatments, but the neighbor moved out of country….

    Can you just say in a few words how Reiki heals?


    Sure, Reiki is hands on healing. My hands are always ice cold but when I begin reiki they become white hot. I perform Reiki on myself and also others. Reiki can also be done remotely using signs. I hope to become a Master someday too.


    One of my friends wanted me to perform a session on her neighbor. She wasn’t a believer but her friend had been suffering some health issues. I began the healing and when I got to her ears it was like lightening was shooting between my hands. After I finished she shared that she had been having dizzy spells for over a year and the doctors could not figure out what was wrong.

    She called a week later to tell me that the spells had disappeared.



    Hi Becky,
    @Becky wrote:

    I’m a little scared to change and he did say I didn’t have to but he found this was a better lifelong choice.

    LDN is not a replacement or substitute for antibiotic therapy. In addition, LDN makes some people worse, much worse in some cases.

    If your doctor wants to take you off of antibiotics, I would discuss with him the possibility of switching you over to the Wheldon Protocol, a summary of which can be found here: http://www.cpnhelp.org/treatment_protocols

    Why the Wheldon Protocol? Because if you can tolerate it well and not experience any Herxheimer reactions, then there’s a good chance that you might be able to successfully discontinue antibiotic therapy. In addition (and this is an important point), the protocol includes guidance on when and how to discontinue the antibiotics (it’s a gradual process).

    How much minocycline are you taking currently, Becky?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Most people i know including myself who are on LDN are still on AP, LDN is a adjunct, but not usually used in solo.

    Most doc’s usually still emply the benefits of AP to reduce inflammation etc.



    Hi Becky, so glad you are doing so well! I concur with Phil, Jill & everyone regarding LDN working best as an adjunctive therapy to AP.

    I’m fascinated by your Reiki experience & will check the site you shared.

    Happy Holidays! GG

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