Home Forums General Discussion Looking for people treated at Envita for Lyme

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    After feeling decently “normal” for a year the pain and fatigue has returned this past month and I’m seriously considering going to Envita (Envita.com) for their Lyme treatment. I’m looking for anyone who has received this treatment and any feedback/reviews/recommendations you all may have. Thank you very much for your help. This website is the reason I ever began to get better in the first place and you will forever have my gratitude *hugs*


    Hi Velouria,

    I went back to check on your past posts, as I’d remembered your user name and came up blank. Not sure why all your past posts were deleted? In any case, welcome back, though very sorry you had to seek us out again.

    Anyway, in this previous post, seems that Nancy Spiker knew of someone who had been there and if you send her a PM she may see it and be able to offer insight for you.


    The Envita Clinic seems to have a pretty comprehensive approach to treatment, although my understanding is that it is fairly expensive and may require a stay locally for a while, especially if IVs are needed.

    Glad to hear you did so well in the past! Bodes well for a good response second time around. Did you remain on a maintenance dose? What was your original rheumatic diagnosis?

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