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  • #303560

    Well here goes nothing!  I was dignosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis Feb 2009 and started mtx April 2009.  It started with my right knee, swelling which made me limp often.  After going to the Dr blood tests were ordered and I was found to be positive for rheumatoid factor.  When I look back I now realize that this disease has probably been with me since at least 2003 if not longer.  I used to get lower back pain often which I put down to sciatica.  I have also suffered with very painful upper arms, sometimes the left and sometimes the right (often put down to sleeping on it funny).  My right middle finger has a small nodule on the knuckle which has been there for as long as I can remember.  So I assume I may have had this disease mildly or without pain for who knows how long.  The real pain started after I was diagnosed and by the time I got to see my rheumatologist I was in a lot of pain.  He recommended mtx and naprosyn for pain relief.  After starting the meds I noticed an immediate change.  I was no longer in pain.  After a few months I stopped taking the naprosyn and just continued with the mtx.  Occasionaly alternating knees will swell and give me pain but this is soon overcome by taking Naprosyn as needed.  I usually only need 1 tablet for a couple of days and the swelling and pain goes away. 

    Being on mtx makes me very unconfortable, I know the possible side effects and although so far so good, i think I need to stop with the toxic drugs.  I have ordered the Arthritis Breaktrhrough and can't wait to receive it.  The thought of the pain coming back scares me but the thought of the damage I could be doing to my body with mtx scares me more.  I am really excited and hopeful about AP.

    Currently I am taking 20mg methotrexate once a week
    1 Viatamin D tablet daily
    2 x Folic Acid tabs weekly

    I have no stiffness and only occasional pain with flares.

    I take my mtx Sunday night and Monday I feel exhausted.  By Tuesday I start to pick up and as the week goes on I usually feel pretty good.  There are times that I feel really tired for no reason – I guess thats part of the disease.

    I know once I start AP I will feel worse before I get better.  I will post back when I start AP.


    Went to see my new AP dr, I walked away feeling  more confused than ever.  She believes I may be a mixed diagnosis with possible Lupus.  Not quite sure how she would know without doing any testing (only reading past blood test results)  She has advised me to stay on methotrexate and will add an antibiotic to this after I have seen the naturopath.  She thinks that the traditional tetra or mino will not work for me.  I think she got this from the fact that I had a lot of tonsilitis as a child.  I guess I find it really weird because I assumed the goal would be to quit mtx immediately.  She saids I can eventually come of mtx if that is what I want?????  I will need to be gluten and dairy free but will not start that until after I have seen the nutritionist.  I only need to increase my water intake and give a detailed list of all my childhood ilnesses.  This seems more in depth than the book described.  I will post back when I know more.

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