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    I’ve been taking LDN 4.5 mg for a week now. I was worried about side effects but seems I have none even with such high initial dose. Only tonight I had a vivid dream not really a nightmare but not very pleasant – cannot remember what I dreamt about but I remember waking up frozen and scared. Then I went back to sleep easily. I noticed my sleep is deeper and sweeter, more difficult to get up in the mornings than usually. I can also fall asleep in evenings in front of TV, never had this “problem” before… Has any LDN-er heard of this effectof LDN? It feels good actually and overall I feel more relaxed and happy…

    In any case, my main betting is on mino, and the rest is just to escalate, speed up the healing!

    I’ve been taking Doxy/minocin for 5 months now (first doxy then last 1.5 months Minocin) Then I added systemic enzymes (3.5 months now). Now, past week – LDN. I am not seeing any obvious improvements yet but I am patient to wait – I know I will soon start feeling the changes. I already do actually, my muscle fibrosis is reducing, my skin overall is gettign softer. I am not going to try to contribute it either to mino or systemic enzymes, though – I am sure they work in tandem… Hmmm, I think I have some info to add to my personal thread, actually!


    I have been thinking of trying LDN too. I’m glad to hear that you have no bad side effects.
    I hope it continues to help you. Take care!

    Eva Holloway

    I have had positive effects from LDN. I have Dermatomyositis and I walked very bend over for almost a year. After taking LDN for about 6 weeks I could tell I was getting more upright. I took LDN for almost a year and then had to stop due to the accident I had in July when I broke my hip. After 6 weeks I went back but had to stop because of some dental problem. I still sleep better and have more energy. My pains from RA and DM is less but with the LDN it is almost all gone, so as soon as the Dentist is done, middle of December< I will be taking the LDN again.
    Yes, I had some vivid dreams but they don’t last6 too long, once you have taken it for 3 months you should be able to just sleep very deeply which helps to rebuild your endorphins.

    Eva Holloway


    Hi! I increase my dosage tonight to 3mg….hopeful it wont effect my sleep! Kind of excited about it because I have not had any side effects yet either….other than a headache the first couple days i took it but I am now starting to think that was from the melotonin I took with it.


    Hi Carries,

    So far, I can say no effects. After that one episode, no more “vivid dreams”. I am very hopeful about this complex therapy!

    Today I was reading about cellcept and how some people have done very well on it up until remission, but I don’ think there is a long term experience with the drug, to tell for sure if it’s safe. In my opinion it cannot be as it’s against the infectious theory…

    I hope LDN work for both of us! Eva keeps giving me hopes, thanks!


    I’ve been using LDN since Feb 2009, which allowed me to reduce my Minocyline level from 100mg twice daily to 100mg M,W,F and stop the nsaid Diclofenac. I have always had sleep problems, but LDN may have helped, since I am now sleeping the best I ever had.

    Psoriatic Arthritis: 100mg Minoz Minocycline TABLET daily; twice daily 400mg Pentoxifylline;125mcg Levotyroxine: Have been using some level of Minocycline since 2008


    Wow vinny, it’s great to hear! Thanks for your replies…

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