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  • #455939

    May I ask what is LDN and what is it used for?


    Hi Martina,
    If you want to learn about LDN these websites will give you thorough information: and this helps:)

    Linda L

    What is it AIP?
    Linda L

    RA tried everything: Methotraxate, Arava, Humira. Pneumonia three times. Anemia. Very low iron. Hypothyroidism
    AP from April 2014 till August 2015. No luck.
    Current medications: Natural thyroid, Mobic, supplements,
    vitamins and minerals.
    MTHFR heterozygous


    Hi Linda L,
    The AIP diet is an autoimmune paleo diet where you elimminate possible food allergens, eat very nutrient dense food and when inflammation decreases and symptoms clearly less you can start reintroducing foods.Lots of info on the net:)


    I tried LDN back around 2009-2010. I took it for maybe 11 weeks? Started low, like 1.5 mg. But I had 2 flares, bad flares that needed steroids to resolve. That was back before I was on daily steroids. I decided LDN wasn’t for me.

    Maybe my disease was further progressed than some of you who have had success? My chronic pain started in 2005. I was on Plaquenil, I’d had a year of Methotrexate before finally getting Minocin. I had had sulfasalazine before trying the LDN. Maybe I had too high a toxic load? Or maybe my disease is really different? I’ve suspected Lyme for a long time. I’m glad LDN has worked for you, I just wanted to share that it caused me to flare for the other people who might find this post.

    RA & Lupus, Minocin, 2 weeks of IV Cleocin, daily Medrol, WP Thyroid, Bio-identical hormones. My disease is not under control, but I’m working on it.

    Lupus/Rheumatoid Arthritis overlap, tachycardia, hypo-thyroid, high lead and other metals. Valacyclovir (anti-viral), Nystatin (anti-fungal), Vitamin A, Zinc, iron. Formerly: Minocycline June 2007 to March 2017; Doxy; 3 weeks IV Clindamycin; 9 years plaquenil (useless); 1 year Methotrexate (useless). Quality supplements, no processed food, no grain, all organic.


    Hi Karen,

    Some people are extra sensitive to naltrexone. For those people, a dose of 1.5 mg might be too high. Perhaps that is the reason why LDN didn’t agree with you.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein

    Debbie star

    Hi, Yes I would really like to have been using the LDN all these years.
    I found it really disorientated me even at .5mg dose..
    Just wondering if anyone else had the same reaction?


    After being off LDN for a couple of years, while I was on Methotrexate and 4mg of Prednisone, I have restarted it again. Minocycline has been my main constant of treatment and I have found I need to use tablets, since the capsules don’t work for me. My Humana Pharmacy switched me to Torrent capsules which are not effective for me. I am currently using Par tablets and pay out of pocket $115 for 90 pills from Walmart. I currently take 100mg Par tablet in the am and a 100mg capsule with supper. I also add Azithromycin with supper M,W and F. I do this 7 days a week. I am doing well and started LDN to see if I could reduce my level of Minocycline. Around 3mg of LDN seems to be my best level. Higher than that and I get sleep disturbance with no positive reduction of pain.

    Psoriatic Arthritis: 100mg Minoz Minocycline TABLET daily; twice daily 400mg Pentoxifylline;125mcg Levotyroxine: Have been using some level of Minocycline since 2008

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