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    Dr B in his book “Overcoming Arthritis” says he recommends his patients take it when they are placed on Abx.

    In what form/product do you use to get your lactobacillus acidophilus (or similar good bacteria?)



    EDIT: Sorry, should have searched the forum first, PB8 looks promising. Can anyone recommend a good/cheap internet supplier.


    I use dr mercola's probiotics and find they are very effective and also good value for money. I'm on a Lyme protocol and so need a strong probiotic and these ones fit the bill.


    Hi Ruth,

    Can I just ask you, if you are taking abx twice a day, when do you take your probiotics ? Just about to start on the Lyme protocol !

    Thanks, Katie 🙂

    Joe RA

     I get PB8 for my wife, the cheapest is at  http://www.vitacost.com about $11.50 us for 120 capsules PB8 14 billion good bacteria. This the cheapest I have found on the web shipping is reasonable also, I get my cod liver oil from them too.                        Best to you ………..Joe


    Hi Katie, I just take my probiotics once a day as the Dr Mercola ones have 60 billion per capsule, so I only need one per day – they are great stuff! I take mine 2-3 hours after my morning abx.

    I have to order them from America though, and with the shipping they're not as good value as they would be for people in the US.

    I think Klaire labs do a similar product that you can buy in the UK if you want to google it. Did you get your probiotics from the Breakspear? I think they use the Klaire labs ones.

    You'll have to keep us posted on how you are doing Katie. I think you'll find there are a few months of hard herxing to come – sorry! – but it is well worth it when you're on the other side.

    Best wishes, ruth


    Hi Ruth & Paul,

    Thanks for that info Ruth !

    I've been taking some called Probiotic Max (from Amazon) which have 20 billion per capsule (and cost


    Mercola's variety is stable at room temperature, some aren't and thus unsuitable for normal shipping (and if buying in a shop — were they refrigerated all the way there?).

    Saccharomyces Boulardii survives antibiotics, so it can have specific benefits to try to get it resident. Primadophilus Reuteri seems to have interesting capabilities in forming biofilm that wards off unwanted microbes. Both have been discussed on the cpnhelp forum.

    I take both, but haven't noticed any effect (no problems from the GI tract, only improvments with Lyme/Cpn CAP). I also eat live yoghurt (both homemade and commercially available — cultured milk and other foods has a strong tradition where I come from), hopefully with a lot of B Lactis, and L acidophilus, and a few other friendly ones.

    Another point is to include as much prebiotics as possible, as it shifts the condition of the GI tract in favor of the good bacteria and against microbes causing problems.

    Taking the probiotics about two hours after antibiotics seems like a good idea (even if one can speed up gastric emptying a bit, lots of water with the abx is a good move for this), and then taking probiotics with some prebiotics (enhances the probiotics chances to survive).

    Keeping the GI tract in good order is probably a good idea in an even wider meaning (some covered in the Reuteri discussion); this study was also up on cpnhelp where probiotics help in an animal MS model: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20126401.

    The NSI 15-35 looks like a similar blend to Mercola's (both a are prop) at a lower price (at Vitacost, considering it has about half the CFU count per capsule). I have no other affiliation with the companies than as a customer. Haven't looked up all the strains specific advantages.


    Thanks for all the suggestions, its so confusing with so many brands out there. However Ive now decided to wait until I see an AP doc before jumping the gun.



    Paul, I want to butt in here & say I don't think you should wait to take probiotics.  You don't want your gut flora to be compromised.  Even if your first bottle is expensive, I would go ahead & get started.


    I completely agree. Take the best you can afford, as soon as you can. If you're already on the abx, your stomach will soon be in a mess without them.


    Ok, ok, I'll go and pick up something today from the pharmacy to get me started. And work it out later.



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