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    Has any one been on any of the cefalasporins for anything and noticed a difference in their RA or lyme. I switched from Cloxacillin to ancef and did it IV for two weeks with out the Minocin.
    Now I am on Keflex (Which smells like cat box and tastes about the same) but with the Minocin.
    I seem to get a lot of flares now. I was told though that Keflex doesn’t kill Micoplasma.
    Any Ideas. In the mean time I’m still doing 50 Mg Minocin M,W,F. And 500 mg Keflex Q4. a day for Staph infection.



    Hi Davit,

    It would seem that mycoplasma is not your problem or, at least, not your only problem. Although it’s not recommended for the treatment of Lyme Disease, one would expect Keflex to have some activity against Borrelia burgdorferi. I’m not implying that you have Lyme Disease, though, since there are lots of other bacteria that Keflex will kill. On the other hand, you did work in the logging industry for many years…


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Hi phil

    I’m going to try doing both Minocin and Keflex together and see if I flare. I have a white cell scan to go for in two weeks. This is nuclear medicine and is supposed to pin point pockets of infection. It may be inconclusive because of my RA. It may show mycoplasmic infections also as false positives. Basically all it does is show increased white cell activity. I’m doing it because I’m curious, it is free, and I’m tired of chronic staph infection. Staph has been far more crippling than my RA. All my cultures ever grow is staph, but micoplasma is ignored because it is considered a common contaminant. I have no Idea if they ever grow. Since they have such a short life out of the body, are sensitive to heat and are clear I doubt they are even noticed.

    In case any one is curious the scans I had done for Ra while I was on MTX showed a greater blood flow to the joints and a worsening of the RA even though I felt good.



    Davit I am on a cephalosporin daily and cannot do without it. It is a type of penicillin I was told. It appears to be one that gets through the blood brain barrier which I need because of a lack of diagnosis for years. sounds like you are herxing on what you are on anyway so that is a good sign. Sometimes a change is a good thing. However, I cannot ever change the cephalosporin even though it is considered not a good choice of abx. Really depends on the bacteria you are treating. You are fortunate to have someone to prescribe. I hope they are also treating the fungus the abx creates.

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