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    Hello! I just spent a week in Philadelphia getting clindy IV treatment from Dr. B. By the way he is very knowledgeable about SD and other autoimmune Diseases. I was reading about boosting the Immune system on anther thread on this site. I just received a lecture from Dr. B about this very thing. He has given me several supplements to improve my immune sysem as well as making sure I am taking the proper Vits.
    I can now move my middle fingers at the knuckle and at the first joint. These fingers were stiff and would not move at all. I can close my fingers, not quite into a fist yet, but I could hold a taper candle. I have much more energy and can get up the stairs without being out of breathe. Dr. B also insisted on treating the Lyme. I had evidence that I have antibodies from Lymes that are “inactive” I am not sure what that means. I had the tests done with Igenex. My other doctor in Williamsport would not treat for the Lymes because she said it was not necessary at this time. But Dr. B disagrees with that, and so I am taking a Lyme protocol as well. I am feeling so much better. I do not cough and gasp for breath in the middle of conversations. I am actually beginning to think that i might not die of SD, but possibly of old age!
    Just thought I would give this update.


    Hi mlouise,

    You’ve had HUGE improvements

    more energy, better lung function, better range-of-motion in your hands! 😀 It’s all good! 😀

    I’m not sure what “inactive” Lyme antibodies are either unless he means IgG – past infection? 😕 Anyway, keep doing what’s workin’!

    Take care…..kim


    This is great news! Thank you for sharing.

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