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    I want to hear from folks who have taken IV Clindamycin.

    I am currently taking it – and would love to hear from folks who have been on it eariler.

    Just want to know whether the IV Clindy made any difference at all to your symptoms/disease progression.
    How did you feel after taking it? ( Better , worse no change)

    Looking back would you do it again?



    For me I responded more dramatically to Clindy than I did to Zithromax or Mino, however I had difficulty getting a doc here to write the order for a service to administer the IV so the good impacts didn’t last for me as I only had one week of this – after 4 wk’s afterwards the benefits dissipated & the bugs came back worse yet. It could be I responded better to Clindy as I may have a blocked pathway in being able to detox & Mino & Zith are 2 med’s that if you have this can make those blocks worse I posted about this under the MTHFR subject. I am being tested to see if I have this defect – whether I do or not I have heavy metals & this by itself means I would be blocked due to the metals themselves so if I took a med to add to that would not be great.

    All of this to say this maybe why I was a better responder to Clindy. At the time I didn’t know I had heavy metals or about this info on these 2 ABX all I knew was I for sure responded better to Clindy than the other 2 that didn’t stop progression for me as much as Clindy did. But now I might know why for all of this. Every person is different & this is why one med. does not fit all. From what I know Clindy is still a ongoing need generally speaking though as is Mino or other AP.

    Best – Jill SD Lyme Cpn Candida Poss. Bart & heavy metals


    So how often does one have to take the Clindy IV?
    My local clinic agreed to to administer the IV on showing them the prescription Dr S was kind enough to write out for me.


    @Tintap wrote:

    So how often does one have to take the Clindy IV?
    My local clinic agreed to to administer the IV on showing them the prescription Dr S was kind enough to write out for me.

    Hi Tintap,

    Frequency usually depends on a few factors, like disease severity, accessibility and cost. If a person is quite severe, then starting with a 5-day series (twice daily) and then doing a weekly IV thereafter is ideal, but some will also do bi-weekly or monthly or as a repeat 6-monthly 5-day series.

    You’ll find info on this at the following links on the main site:



    Nowadays, rather than using dextrose, I think saline is preferred, because the sugar content in the dextrose may promote candida.

    Dr. S. also wrote an article for the main site some years ago, sharing the results he’d had for RA:


    Hope this helps?

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