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  • #355425
    Marianne Welch

    Hi Lynnie,

    The box allowing PM’s is checked yes. The only thing checked no was to allow my email to be given out freely. I only had 3 messages in my in box which I moved to a new OLD INBOX folder which I created just in case those 3 messages were the problem. So the outbox and inbox are empty. So I don’t know what else to do to see if the problem is on my side.

    I had many many PM’s on the old system. (I even had a few others on the new system that aren’t there either anymore. …I don’t understand why.) Oddly, only one from 2009 got carried over to the new system. This is disappointing. 😥 Was that supposed to happen? Also, I don’t think all my posts are there either…from the OLD system.
    Is that also normal? Is it possible that I could be registered under two different names.
    When I first joined I used my full name accidently for my username. When I realized what I had done, I went back to change my user name but it wouldn’t let me change it. So I just went with my full name as my username a little hesitantly.
    Could this have caused a problem. I have gone with MMW or with Marianne.

    Thanks for your help. I am a little lame on this technology stuff. This makes me hesistant to ask for help since I am confused in the first place with this new system 😕 😳 I SOOOOOOO SOOOOO miss the OLD system. But we should always look ahead not back…right? 😉

    Anyhow, I do have a husband who is better at this than me and I will get his help as well if I can get tips from you on what to do next.

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