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    Those looking to further reduce their CRP #’s might be especially interested but Cholesterol is reduced too! 🙂
    All the more reason to eat them !


    Within six months of the study Dr. Arjmandi was surprised. He said:

    “Incredible changes in the apple-eating women happened by 6 months- they experienced a 23% decrease in LDL cholesterol (which is known as the “bad cholesterol).”

    The apple-consuming women also had reduced levels of lipid hydroperoxide and C-reactive protein.
    Dr. Arjmandi added:

    “I never expected apple consumption to reduce bad cholesterol to this extent while increasing HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol by about 4%.”


    Hi Suzy,

    Thanks for sharing this article.

    There is an interesting connection here to the health benefits of liver flushing, which can also help to lower inflam and cholesterol levels. Part of liver flushing involves drinking large amounts of organic apple juice in the days prior to flushing…but also the “slow liver flush,” or lemon/olive oil detox drink, involves blending the whole lemon, including the rind that contains pectin. This pectin emulsifies the olive oil to make it more pallatable for drinking…but the emulsification of fats stored in the liver when apples or the detox drink is used regularly is the key. Pectin is also pretty well known as a digestive (eases digestion due to fiber content) and also assists in detoxification and chelation….

    ….an apple a day, eh? 😉


    Yes Maz…An apple a day ! I’ve always felt better eating my organic apples on a regular basis. I think I’ll keep it up. I thought I read they were eating dried apples…anyone know if drying affects the pectin content versus fresh ???


    I have tried an apple fast to get out of a flare and I can say it worked. You are to eat apples and water for 3 days and nothing else. My knees were so much better when I did it. I got a little hungry and I got a headache, probably because I didn’t have coffee or tea, but for me it worked. I got the info at kickas.org.


    hi all, very interesting , i wonder about the dried apples too? and do you have to eat the skin? i have a bit of trouble chewing the skin? thanks suzy. ..kind regards ..di.

    Jan Lucinda1


    Great article.

    Valsmum- apple fast, that is a new one.


    Jan Lucinda1

    I’m going to show this to my PCP.


    Jan Lucinda1

    Still into the apples.



    It’s apple season…….especially crave them in the fall !! Would like to make my own dried ones organically…..not sure of the feasibility of this. Anyone know of a good resource to purchase online possibly??


    Nevermind…just found out my local Publix Supermarket carries the Bare Naturals brand and I liked their information on their website !

    INFO HERE ……….. http://barefruitsnacks.com/bare-facts.html

    I will try these……..

    Patti D

    Does apple crisp work too 😉


    From an old time Vermont Doctor:

    2 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar
    2 Tbs Honey
    Mix in a cup with hot water and drink

    Twice a day.

    The book, “Folk Medicine”, was written in the 1950s by Dr. Jarvis and is still available on Amazon. My Mother raised us on it but, I didn’t pay any attention to it until I was hit with RA 3 years ago. I still balked and didn’t start it again until just a couple of weeks ago. I do believe it’s helping a lot. After a couple of days it doesn’t taste that bad anymore.

    Jan Lucinda1


    Sounds interesting.


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