Home Forums General Discussion Improved diagnostic test for coeliac disease

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    I thought this might be of interest to many on here. I’m not sure how it differs from current testing other than what it measures in the blood but it seems better than having to do biopsy testing.

    “Our findings reveal this novel blood test is accurate after only three days of gluten consumption, not the several weeks or months traditionally required to make a diagnosis using intestinal biopsies,”

    “With this test, we were able to detect a T cell response in the majority of study participants known to have coeliac disease and importantly, the test was negative in all of the patients who did not have coeliac disease, even though they followed a gluten-free diet and thought gluten was the cause of their symptoms.”

    “This is an important step toward a tool that could monitor changes in the small population of circulating T cells responsible for coeliac disease when using treatments intended to restore tolerance to gluten, such as Nexvax2


    Hi Suzy,
    It is very interesting and it concerns many of us. Thank you.
    Linda L.

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