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    [user=2168]PetRescue[/user] wrote:

    PS…What should I do with my tick friend from last night? Right now he's in a plastic baggie. Any reason to keep him? Or can I quash him with a hammer? :roll-laugh:

    That's funny, Jen!!! :roll-laugh: We've had a few conversations here about various tortures we could inflict upon ticks after we pluck them from us. Hahah…Kim had some she kept that lived for months! I named mine colly-wobbles, as it freaked me out to find it a year and a half into treatment.

    Keep the tick, though, as you may want to take him for a ride with you to your new LLMD. Also watch for rashes on everyone…hard to see in scalp, but take digital pics of any rashes, as that's your evidence right there…EM rash = Lyme. You can also send a tick(s) to IgeneX in a baggie with a moistened cotton ball (without a doc's script) for around $50, I think, and they will test if for borrelia. Probably not worth it in your case, as you've already had tests run…but sometimes this is superior to testing someone with early infection as they can test for all the coinfections in the tick that are often hidden in our bodies.

    Yes, both my tick bites that I recall were on my scalp and both times I thought I had a boil or something and was picking and worrying at them, probably squeezing the gut contents into me without knowing. :sick: Ugh!

    Peace, Maz


    [user=2168]PetRescue[/user] wrote:

    Sadly we have had fleas because I don't use the chemicals, but rather natural repellents that don't always work. With strays coming and going, it's been an issue. I don't know, I guess it doesn't matter, but you can bet I'm getting my son tested ASAP.


    Speaking of the devil, can't believe you actually caught a tick!

    Hey, if you have time, please read this.


    Please let me know what you think. Wowwww….. when I was in Houston, our place had tons of fleas. I was pregnant with my first born so I did not sprayed the condominium. In our complex, people lived next door had three cats. I got the flea bits all over my body almost year around.

    From what I have read, fleas can cause Bartonella, a bacterium also called ?Bartonella henselae? which is spread by fleas. .





    All of my 20+ tick bites have been on my head. 😯  Now, I don't work in the yard without spraying and covering up.  I always wear a hat that has been sprayed with Permethrin (I don't let it touch my skin) and the rest of me gets a good dosing with a Deet repellent.

    Yes, keep your tick and torture it a little each day.  I had four in a baggie (no water, no air) that lived for months, thanks to their last blood meal :crying:) on my counter and I gave it a good flick each day.  Yes, I had four bites at one time……two I found and two the hairdresser found. 😯 😯 😯  I can't tell you how embarrassed I was!  She removed them and I took her a gift. 😕  They survive anything………shampooing, blow drying, etc., and you only find them when they are engorged enough to be noticeable and by then they've done their damage.

    Oh, and after I use the Deet, I use the sauna to sweat out those toxins.  It's a real process. :roll-laugh:

    Take care…..kim


    [user=2168]PetRescue[/user] wrote:

    PS…What should I do with my tick friend from last night? Right now he's in a plastic baggie. Any reason to keep him? Or can I quash him with a hammer? :roll-laugh:

    I think it might be good therapy to get out your hammer and smush him!


    A Friend


    Thanks for sharing about your trip to Ida Grove. 

    As I read about your having had Lyme testing before you went, and that it was positive; and then read what you wrote about Dr. S, and not doing the tests (guess you are also referring here to mycoplasma)….. my mental reasoning about this was that, perhaps, since Dr. S knew you'd just had tests and was found positive for Lyme — plus he knew you were going to be treated for organism(s) relating to Lyme, perhaps his thinking was that the Lyme testing and treatment being first done might be what you would be treating. 

    Since I haven't had lyme testing, nor am I very familiar with the abx and/or combinations of treatments for lyme, I'm thinking the abx he prescribed, he perhaps felt it would help generally overall.  When our immune system is unable to zap harmful organisms that overgrow in our body, this can mean that we can/may have a variety of viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, etc.  If your Lyme physician(s) were going to treat your lyme when you returned from Ida Grove, perhaps it “muddied the water” for the usual treatment Dr. S would have done.  If I were in your place, and having been to Dr. S for 2-1/2 years in the past, I'm betting he was doing what he thought was best to do under all the circumstances. 

    None of the above, you needed to hear from me.  But, perhaps, it is possible that this may have been his logic.  Just my guessing here. 

    Best of luck with your treatment. 


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